Friday, October 3, 2014

The Curse

Remember when Maddy got called for jury duty last month??  and I had to make some phone calls so she wouldn't have to commute to it 3.5 hours each way?  Well, she was dismissed from it for now and after talking to her last night, I got confirmation that she was indeed dismissed and got the letter to prove it.


Guess what I got in the mail addressed to me?  A jury notice...

I need to report on two different days in November...  

I know it's an inconvenience, especially right now at work!  But I haven't had a vacation all summer and it's been one HECK of a summer at work this year!!  So sitting on a jury, judging other people would be like a trip to Greece!  AHHHH...  Not that I've ever been to Greece, but I can just imagine! 

Probably incorrectly...


Also, it's my civic duty.  I would want people on my jury, if I ever got into trouble THAT bad, to actually be someone decent, people who were responsible adults...

I'm not saying that "I" am!  I'm just saying what I would WANT.

Robb was on a jury once or twice.  For one of them, someone we kind of knew, was there with him and was trying in every sick and sordid way, every trick in the book to get out of it.  It really disillusioned him about that person...  He had been toying with the idea of trying to get out of it too, but after that display of selfishness, thought twice.  

And it's actually my fault that he was selected to go onto the jury.  All were let go if they'd never drank any alcohol ever...  He never had!!!  Except for that one time in Ireland that very summer.  I had talked him into trying a pint of Guinness at the pub with me because I didn't want to try it alone...


I wonder what kind of a trial it's going to be!  I've been on lots starting with one in college and several since.  I could have destroyed the livelihood of a doctor once because of something that was not his fault.  I've held a pound of crack in a bag in my hands as well as an unloaded hand gun.  Not all of these were from the same trial.  Every single one of them have been very interesting and it's good to know all the facts before rushing to judgement.  So many are judged by the media before they get to this point and the public just DON'T know all the facts.

I guess we'll see...

When I get into a large room full of other people that have also had to report and they start randomly calling names to sit amongst the elite jurists, my name ALWAYS gets called.  It's like winning a lottery, of sorts...

It's either a gift or I'm cursed.


Southern Gal said...

I have never served on jury duty. I got called up for federal duty once, but only had to call and tell them I homeschooled and that was that. My mother-in-law has been called three times all after she turned 65. Isnt' that wild? I hope you have a good break. I'd want someone like you on my jury. ;) You know, if the need arose.

Out My window said...

You are a prosecutors dream:)

Jane said...

I hope it's a good juicy murder! No, not really. Tax evasion? Petty theft? I can't believe in my long life I've never received the call. Not even once. Now I have nothing but time so maybe it'll be my turn soon.

Frances said...

I have only ever been called for jury duty twice. Don't know why. One time I was let go before ever making it to a courtroom. The other time I was in a courtroom for jury selection and didn't get picked. So I was let go, but not before realizing that a lot of people that were called were really stupid.


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