Wednesday, October 15, 2014

This is the girl

Today is one of my sister's birthday!!!

Happy Birthday Ruth Ann!

I couldn't find that one photo of you picking at your backside in front of the camera when you were like 5, so we'll have to settle for when you got your arm stuck in a cannon.  
The other two are me and another sister, Melanie.  
Was this the trip we stopped at Mesa Verde and got the "flat chest" shirt???  I think it might have been.

This is the girl who could start her own reality show because she & her hubs have 14 kids, but she won't because reality shows tend to break up marriages.

This is the girl who told me scene by scene some great movie that because it wasn't rated anywhere near to what I could see.  I lived vicariously through her memory.  I think it was Piranha...  
Then later when I was older, she took me to a few...  

This is the girl who was/is a year older than me so as soon as she got her license and a car, she ditched Teresa and I became her dedicated sidekick.

This is the girl from whom I bought my moped.

This is the girl whose car I borrowed and then plowed into a ditch, taking out a mailbox all because of a firefly.

This is the girl who had TWO boyfriends at the same time...  Very impressive!!!  Note to self. Never date anyone you work with.  Also NEVER accept a date from a guy you meet at Job Service of Iowa...  
Also, NEVER at the same time.
It'll turn around and bite you. 

This is the girl who started the arm punching game.  My arm has finally healed after 30 years and doesn't show the marks or ache anymore.

This is the girl with whom I'd have fake arguments that somehow because of our fantastic acting skills somehow felt too authentic towards the end.  
Wait - what are we talking about??

This is the girl who was the scapegoat whenever we got in trouble.  "It was Ruth Ann!"  I was the quiet good child...  Well, until I was 13 or so and got my smart mouth.

This is the girl who could find the greatest deals on non-name brand clothes and they looked great!  And she let me borrow them.

This is the girl who is turning a landmark age today.

I'm sure I could come up with more crazy wonderful memories than years she's been alive, but it would take all day and you wouldn't have time to read them all.

So anybirth...

Happy Birthday Ruth Ann!  Have a spectacular day! 


Sonya Ann said...

Happy birthday Ruth Ann!!!

Jane said...

I feel like I know her!! Happy Birthday Ruth Ann!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday to Ruth Ann!


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