Well, it's almost Thanksgiving... Maddy came home last night in time for Super Super Secret Steak night! It was fun getting caught up on all our banter. Later on in the evening, we attempted to show Maddy how to make the Norwegian Christmas star and thought we'd be creative and use the black poster board instead of white.
BIG MISTAKE!!! Apparently the black poster board takes 10 times as long to stick and must be a bit thicker than the white poster board. How aggravatin'. AND I had no clips of any kind. Neither paper clips nor bobby pins worked.
None of us got even one done last night...
Maddy gave up and knitted earmuffs while I tried to get hers to stick.
REALLY!!! It IS easy!!! We'll just do it with other paper next time!
Leon even did a tree with the scraps and most of our tooth picks. There is about a pound of glue in his project... Not very cost effective...

Anyway, I'll be back posting on Monday! Got some folks coming for Thanksgiving tomorrow, then about 70-90 on Friday for the BIG shindig. Got other accommodations arranged for the dogs for a Howladay Inn sleepover. Robb's got a turkey bathing in my sink already!
A four day weekend will be great, but I'll be glad to sit down, come Monday morning!
And HERE we go!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Oh, man! I hope you manage to get a little rest in on your 4 day weekend!
You are such a creative bunch! What do you do with the stars once they are finished?
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