I was talking to my mom the other day and told her about my laundry soap and dishwasher soap that I've made. She liked that idea and asked me if I'd made any hand soap. She mentioned how much she washes her hands and how dry they've been getting. I hadn't made any up to this point, but now I wanted to...
After researching a little on the interweb (about 30 seconds), I found this recipe. I picked up some pure Castile soap when I was out on Friday night and got to it on Saturday. Meri had a good time shredding up the soap for me.
So here's how I did it. I changed the recipe JUST a little for reasons I'll explain.
I put one gallon of water on the stove and brought it to a boil. It had to be a boil because I wasn't using distilled water. Then I dropped the heat and added two shredded bars of the pure Castile soap. Stirred until it all melted in, looking like a milk soup.
Then I set it aside. It was supposed to sit for 24 - 48 hours, stirring occasionally. I did stir occasionally until the next night when it STILL looked like watery soup. I KNOW the recipe that I'd followed said that it would feel weird, but I know my family... They will NOT sit for weird watery soap! So I thought about it a little more.
I put the pot back onto the stove and brought it up to hot, but not boiling. I shredded up one of my glycerin bars of soap that I use on my face and let it melt into the soupy mix. Once it was all melted in nicely, I set the pot aside again.
If anyone took a taste, we'd be buying a lot of the pink stuff. *pepto* But if anyone thought that they could eat something that looked like oyster stew and has been sitting on the counter for 2 days, then they get what they deserve! No one did. In fact, no one said a word about it until this morning!
I'd stirred it last night and thought that it was getting creamier, almost like real store-bought liquid hand soap. So I made plans to store it in an airtight container this morning.
This morning, Tuesday, I stirred it and it had solidified a LOT more over the course of the night and was almost chunky... Yuck. I stirred in the teaspoon of vanilla for scent, as best as I could and figured I'd better pull out the blender.
THAT is when someone finally asked me what that stuff was!
I blended it up in parts, spilling some on the counter. I stored it in a cleaned out milk jug and cottage cheese containers. When you blend it up, it gets poofier so if you make this, don't fill the blender all the way up! Probably only half way, or you'll have soapy apples too!
It has just about the right consistency of store bought liquid hand soap without the Triclosan, which is the reason I tended to steer away from that stuff in the first place. And for another reason that I won't bring up here as it makes me look spiteful and petty... :\
So here is what is sitting on the kitchen counter this morning!
Don't pour yourself a glass!! Because it might make you SERIOUSLY lactose intolerant.
I made it before and it was gloopy. DJ had a blast though playing in it. Mine just didn't make bubbles but my skin felt better.
Maybe I will try this when I run out of all the stockpiled handsoap.
Seems like a lot of work for a lazy person (me). I do understand the dryness problem though - I've been going through a ton of hand lotion - is there a recipe for that?
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