Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Stalking the Jury

I did my civic duty yesterday.  Leon ran around my legs a dozen times while I voted and then got mad when no one besides Robb let him put his ballot in the machine and let it suck it in.  

He just wants to HELP! He did get about 3 or 4 "I voted" stickers to plaster all over his juice cup.

Not only did I vote, but I showed up for jury duty!  I sat and sat and sat on the hard wooden bench pews of the courtroom, waiting for my name to be called.   

I think someone tipped them off that I was going to stand up and start singing "I've got the golden ticket!" if they had called my name.  

This was the FIRST TIME EVER that I've been in a jury pool and NOT gotten my name called for the trial!  They made us go take an hour lunch before making a final decision on the 12 jurists...  Normally the jury is selected way early in the day and I could have been back to work by ten.  I am SO glad I didn't get on this trial nor the one that was going on downstairs!!  Too much wickedness in the world for me to deal with these days...

As it happens I went and had a chimichanga all by myself and I ate ALL the tortillas and salsa myself!  No wonder I felt like napping on that hard bench in the afternoon.  If I put my head in my hands, can you tell I'm sleeping?  Can you see down my shirt??

The next time to show up for a trial is in two weeks.  I am definitely bringing a book next time!  They don't allow electronics or I'd bring Maddy's old Ipod and play 2048 all day.  It won't make me barf if the courtroom isn't moving...

Getting back to town, I had SUCH a lousy headache that I was certain my neck was out of line again, so I stopped at our chiropractor and he got me in.  I was right.  My back was all weirded out again from the long car ride over the weekend and then jury pool yesterday.  

Then I picked up Meri and Leon and headed for home to see what kind of work fiascoes awaited for my last hour of the work day.

Luckily it was kind of a quiet day so there weren't too many fires to bat out so I was able to get in  my missed stalking of my kids.  SOMEONE's relationship status got changed yesterday!!  YOU know who you are!

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