Monday, November 3, 2014

Mean Streak MADdy weekend

This has been a MAD weekend!  

In honor of Halloween, Friday night, Meri and I tried to find a scary movie to watch on Netflix.  We narrowed the options down to 4 PG 13 movies.  Two of them had very cliche type summaries, like kids try to spend a night in a haunted mine kind of thing... or a man and his kids are in cabin in the woods and being stalked by a killer...

We settled on The Frozen.  It was slow moving and dumb.  I did NOT feel a connection with the main leads at all.  In fact, I was kind of hoping the girl would get killed first!  She was not a nice person...  

About 30 minutes into it, Meri said, Hey!  Want to try House II instead?  Well, that one was fast paced, but still dumb.   More of a B movie comedy/slasher than anything else.  And really?  Shoulder pads??  I guess it was made in the 80s.  We lasted about 30 minutes there too and Meri went downstairs.

No problem.  I had to pack anyway.  Robb and I left Saturday for the great white north that is Minnesota.  We met up with Maddy in time to take her and Leah to lunch at the campus cafeteria, shopped a little and then visited with them in their dorm room for most of the afternoon.  Laughed too loud for the people across the hall to handle.  We took them out for supper at the local Mexican restaurant and then got Maddy back to campus in time for her to warm up with the choir.  

I recorded the whole concert in pieces, but left the camera in the car...  Oh well.  Since I had to be on the "down low" they are only vocal recordings and the visual of the side of my leg.  
I managed to snap one pic of Maddy up close.  

This isn't the photo.  
This was taken with my cell phone on my computer screen from the concert posted online.
The concert was beautiful!  These are some very talented kids!  Afterwards, we and the girls visited a little more in the commons area and watched a certain bus roll up that has a certain someone on it that Maddy would like us to meet.  But NOT YET!!!!  Eventually...  

Robb and I got a hotel room in the next town, 30 minutes closer to home and were on the road by 5am Sunday.  Or 4am...  This OLD time, NEW time thing has me mixed up.  We got home in time to pick up Meri and head off to church.  I had a large Sunday school group to teach!  And wouldn't you know it, one of the 5 year old girls found herself in love with a new 5 year old boy.  It was awkward...

We dashed home after church to get Ryan to work on time and get the dogs taken care of.  After a WHOLE hour of relaxing, Robb and I headed out again to pick up Leon from his mommies, then off to a Reformation service 2 hours in the other direction.  Leon napped or watched a new Batman movie I picked up for him in Minnesota.  He had gotten SO sugared up on his weekend away, that he was totally incorrigible during the service...  I managed to sing with the choir on one song, then ditched on the other and let Leon play in their nursery for the rest of it.  We had a potluck dinner there before heading home.

I love my car, but right now, I am SO sick of it!!!  I sat in it for 12 hours this weekend.  I did figure out what outfit I'm going to make for myself for Robb's company Christmas party!  I had taken along my Burda magazines so Maddy and Leah helped me make my final decisions.  They also tagged a few other items for me to make for them...  We'll see.

Who knew sitting would wear you out so much!!!?

Oh!  Meri got the Thanksgiving decor up while we were gone!  WOOHOO!!!  Freaky Pilgrim people!!!
She staged a few photos around the house to freak Maddy out a little over Facebook...

LOL!  Meri has a mean streak!!!


slugmama said...

Meri has your Dad's mischievous streak for sure!

And walk don't run to Big Lots.....they have Griswold Xmas paper!lolz

Jane said...

I am impressed that you got to everywhere you were going and on time to boot! That was one crazy busy weekend!

Michelle said...

LOL! Love seeing the Pilgrims sneaking around the house. I have to say, you are the busiest woman I know.....

Southern Gal said...

Ha! The freaky Pilgrims in those last shots made me laugh out loud. Someone you'll be able to meet later? Woohoo!


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