Lately my hair, I feel, has looked like Ruth's hair, from the Middle. Way too long and so many split ends, they can catch static from a passing airplane.
Ruth is the one with the obviously long straggly hair on the right.
I haven't made time to get a hair cut since, I think, as far back as July. So I'm trying to get a cut in with my gal either today or tomorrow. I hope she can fit me in!
Or I'll wear a wig to the company party tomorrow night...
When I was a teenager, I rarely got my hair cut. It grew so long, it reached my bottom and was my pride and joy... I french braided, braided, ponytailed, macramed it, playing with my hair like it was a crafting tool.
Wrote to my penpal whenever I DID get it cut and told her how many different ways I could still wear it. She thought I was a dweeb. I didn't find that out until I was an adult.
But anyway, my sister and I drew pictures of each other on a long car trip once to pass the time. I don't remember what I drew of her. I was a good artist, so I'm sure it was complimentary! But her rendering of me has stuck with me all my life.
There was a tall skinny girl with long flowing hair that was wrapped around my body like a billion snakes bothered by static, strangling me. I guess my hair WAS rather dry and staticky...
I think I'm back to that status again. :\ It WILL be remedied!
Didn't do any sewing yesterday. I plan to do a little over lunch and then I have all evening tonight. It'll get done.
Due to a fundraiser at the schools, we now have a huge box of grapefruit and another huge box of variety fruit. Meri didn't know I'd ordered the grapefruit from someone already. So we've got fruit coming out of our wazoos! If this doesn't kick this cold, I don't know what... I'll have another grapefruit at lunch along with some fudge. mmmm
Lots to do for work today. I went through my emails and past to do lists and made up a new one. It's pretty long! I don't think I'll get it done today, but maybe I can pick one or two off.
Have a great day!
Oh I wish you could have showed your sisters drawing of you it sounds fascinating ~ ask her to recreate it while your going through this hair phase , will you !
My teacher used yo tell us that "your hair is your crowning glory" fix it. She'd tell my classmate who didn't seem to comb her hair :)
I wish I could grow my hair to my bottom but I guess it won't look nice on coz I'm pretty short of height.
I confess that I haven't had really long hair since I was a small child!
Love the "hair" stories :) I had long hair too way back when and I used to spread it out all around me in bed after I washed it to naturally dry it. Makes me shiver now to think about how it looked - sort of like straw.
I have been having a love hate relationship with my hair lately. Well, I really never hate it just couldn't decide what to do with it. It is straight and boring.
So next weekend I am perming. Yeah!
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