Friday, December 5, 2014

Sewing through the hours

The skirt is done!  I just serged the hem on it and called it good.  Tried it on for the family and Meri said it was cute, so I guess I'm wearing it tonight!  I'd been planning on sewing a new top, but settled for a sweater that I already had instead.  The skirt is definitely NOT State Fair quality.

Earlier in the evening, I had sewn the lining to the flounce too and suddenly the skirt looked like a sack of potatoes.  So I had to undo that.  The lining is hanging free now.  I'll show a picture of it with me as a model on Monday.

Things to do differently next time...

1) Use a zipper instead of the elastic waist.

2) Maybe do lace for the flounce instead of fabric. 

3) Adjust the pattern to get rid of the jodhpur hips.  I did adjust the skirt to get rid of them and it's much improved now.

4) Fix how I did the flounce.  I think something is wrong with it.  2nd time is a charm, right?  Or is it 3rd?

Other than that, this Burda pattern is going to get used a lot!  I'm definitely planning on making it again for a wedding in June.

Robb got a text at 3am.  I managed to get back to sleep around 4, but he's been awake since then.  Darn it.  It's going to be a long day...


slugmama said...

I'd recommend starting on that skirt for the June wedding in January. You know how "things" come up....lolz

Frances said...

I remember when I used to make most of my clothes and a new pattern always needed some work to look the way I thought it should.


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