Monday, December 8, 2014

Anticipation, Horror and Blue Vomit

My camera is somewhere in the car, we think...  So no photos today.  darn.  Except for one I stole.  
I'll tell you about my weekend in pantomine instead.  Watch closely...

Friday night, Robb and I attended his company party at a country club and brought home LOTS of leftover prime rib!  Woohoo!  It's been 9 years since my last party when I was an employee there too.  I had a very nice time visiting with the rest of the staff that used to be my clan.  I almost back elbowed a fellow ex-employee with an illegal Taekwondo move.  He was appreciative and laughing when my elbow stopped mere centimeters from his face!  It's been a while since I got my black belts and only remember how to kill a man a mere 10 ways now...  It used to be more.

Saturday morning, Robb went off to pick up Leon while I got the dogs off to their howladay inn for the weekend and got the car packed up.  Then we were off to Minnesota to see the middle child!

She came running out to greet us barefoot in Minnesota!!!  She'd been getting her hair done for the afternoon Reader's Theater performance and wanted to come out quickly for hugs.  Maddy's hair was gorgeous and I'll have photos tomorrow to prove it.

Cold feet, warm heart, good hair.

My hair... I got it cut on Thursday afternoon and it looked awesome that day.  Friday, tho?...  I didn't wash it that day and the left side curls went flat and would NOT cooperate with the curling iron.  I tried to keep it tucked around my neck for Friday evening.  On Saturday, it didn't cooperate much either.  I got a chance to wash it and try again at the hotel after the performance and then it behaved much better.

The Reader's Theater was campfire stories read around, duh, a campfire!  But on the other side of the stage, actors pantomimed out the stories.  It was so COOL!  Maddy played a dense campfire girl who told lame horror stories.  "And at the TOP of the dark dark staircase, there was ...  ANOTHER dark dark hallway!  And at the end of the dark dark hallway, there was a dark dark door...  And inside the dark dark... "  You get the picture!  It was hilarious...  They also had a couple Edgar Allen Poe stories acted out.  Leon hadn't had a nap the entire day so far and finally fell asleep during the last 20 minutes of the performance.  

 I managed to pull this photo off Facebook today!  The only one I have until tomorrow of Maddy and part of her theater group.

Leon was intrigued however at the slinky black panther slinking across the stage and biting at the neck of a performer...  Turns out he was Maddy's new boyfriend!  We met him in the reception line after the play.  She's found a good one!  

While Maddy and the rest of the crew tore down the set, we checked into our hotel and prepared to meet the gang for an early supper.  Got a chance to get to know the boyfriend a little more and Leon got a chance to say Hi to everyone around that he could.  

Then back to the hotel to change for the Christmas concert.  I of course, wore my new black skirt again.  And, of course, no photos yet.  Actually there aren't on my camera either!  I'll pose in it tonight.  As I mentioned there are things I'll definitely do differently with the next one I make, but it will have to be January before I make another attempt.  Too many other things to make and do before then.

During the pre-music of the handbell choir before the concert began, Leon had drank almost a complete bottle of blue Gatorade.  His tongue was a Smurfy color...  We got to the chapel late and had to take seats in the nosebleed WAY back section of chairs.  Leon stood on my lap to get a better view of the hand bells.  

Then he started coughing.  a lot...  Still insisting on standing up.  I patted his back and said, under my breath, "don't throw up, don't throw up..."  Because everyone around us were dressed up so prettily and Maddy's boyfriend was sitting next to me.  

Instead of throwing up two pints of blue vomit and after coughing from his toenails, he gave the most disgusting ACK burp I'd ever heard.  And it was loud...

So loud that everyone in a 10 pew radius of us turned around and started laughing with/at us...    It got us giggling for the next 5 minutes.  I watched the concert online the next morning and didn't hear it in the recording...  There must not be any microphones in the back forty.

Anyway, Leon eventually fell asleep on Meri and then wet her during the last song.  

I'm so glad we didn't drive back that night!  We were exhausted and slept hard.  

The next morning, we got breakfast at the hotel, then met up with Maddy and Leah at the church she goes to.  Got a great photo of those guys during the service, but then again, photos on the 9th...

We took those two out for a pizza buffet afterwards and then headed home before an ice storm hit.

Whew!  LONG weekend, but suddenly it feels so short.

I'm looking forward to 1.5 weeks when she'll be home for Christmas break!


Willow said...

I came to see the blue vomit ~ what a tease lol.
Glad the evening went well and no one was christened with regurgitated gatorade !

Sonya Ann said...

Buy or make that beautiful girl shoes for Christmas!

Frances said...

Sounds like a fun and exciting trip.


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