Friday, December 12, 2014

Leon and ADVENTures in sewing

 Leon and Ryan made a gingerbread house earlier this week!  I found the kit at Aldi's and they had such a good time putting it together.  However Ryan now realized why we always used wood glue in the past instead of frosting to hold the roof on...  Yep - it was NEVER edible before!  So they ate bits off it for a few days and I threw the walls away this morning.  We've got pictures!  What more do we need??  

Space on the table...

Yesterday Leon and I took Ryan to the dentist.  Leon played with the bead toy, made a "house" out of the table it was on, threw books on the floor, did animal noises, was the official dentistry greeter "HI" and sang Jingle Bells in the bathroom.  They're asking for him to come back and entertain next week too!

After work, we took the boy out to my besties and her husband showed him how to turn on each Christmassy toy that sings, all at once...  He's usually a grinch, but if there are little kids around, he'll teach them how to annoy the adults as much as possible!  Christmas music is ok then!  We sang along to annoy HIM! HA!

Got a couple more gifts purchased last night and a couple gift items actually SEWN last night!  Looking forward to completing them tonight and getting a little more prep work done for Christmas.  

This weekend is my sewing group's style show and I want to show them that I remember how to thread the machines...  So I need proof that I really DO sew!  Plus I'll show the skirt.  Meri will be modeling her yodeling outfit too.

Have a great weekend!  13 days left until CHRISTMAS!!!


Southern Gal said...

Hire him out!

I stayed up until 1:30 this morning making stockings for the family. I have four more girl stockings to go and than I move to the granddaughters' baby doll quilts. Yay!

Jane said...

I had to wait for 1.5 hours to see the doctor yesterday and it was only bearable due to a little boy singing his heart out, bless him. So yes, i can believe that Leon was a hit!!


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