First day back at my desk in 9 days. COUNT EM! NINE DAYS!
I need another vacation...
I spent the week cleaning house, shopping, cooking, cleaning house again, sewing, crafting, cooking, cleaning, doing dishes a bajillion times, driving, arguing, attempting to read a book and putting together a train track that got wrecked almost as soon as it was created.
It was an awesome week!!! And I would do it again in a heart beat.
30 or more Christmas cards have yet to be shipped off. About that many in late Christmas gifts...
I spent Monday and Tuesday of last week finishing up shopping with the girls and Ryan. I spent a LOT of money... It happens.. And none of it was paid for with coupons! If this just totally disgusts you and you can't handle reading further, then don't worry, I don't talk about money much anymore...
On Wednesday, we cooked chili and potato soup for supper as well as pies, lots of goodies and snacks. I took off a couple hours midday and ran Leon down to his mommies for Christmas. Cried most of the way back.
Robb's sister showed up with her hubs and daughter and after that evening's church service, we hung out and had a good time.
Christmas morning, Cathy (my SIL) took the 3 girls to the local Kum & Go for some early morning coffees and cappuccinos in their PJs. They do this every time they stay over. This time, her 13 year old daughter came back saying she'd picked up a guy! Apparently the guy working there looked like a younger, cuter version of Ashton Kutcher. They'd worn their Santa beards for the trek and they gave one to cute guy at Kum & Go... If that's what the kids are calling "picking up" these days, I guess we're safe and I'll be sure to stock those Santa beards up for next year!
After many failed attempts to get me to take them over for more coffee (because he'll think it's weird if the SAME group went back) I refused and was too busy making food for our Christmas lunch. I don't need to pick up a guy, because I already have one. Everything was ready earlier than expected so we had lunch around 11:30. The kids were anxious to open presents soon after so that's what we did before dessert. We had to let the food settle anyways.
Oh! If you are looking for a way to get rid of your leftover egg nog, use that and 2 boxes of instant vanilla pudding and make egg nog pie! YUM! That was good! I also had made a couple pumpkin pies the day before and one fell out of the fridge onto the garage floor before we could eat it. The surviving one was good tho.
We cracked open a new puzzle that Maddy had picked out and between the 5 of us, we had that one thousand piece puzzle put together in exactly 3 hours. WHEW! We were a power house of puzzle making!
When we finished Robb said to tear it all apart and do it again backwards with the picture on the bottom. NOPE! That sucker is NEVER coming apart again! I'll pick up some puzzle glue later this week and make it a poster.
Leon came home on Friday morning just after our company all left. Then we had our own family Christmas that afternoon with lasagna for supper.
Leon got a mountain of presents but was a good sport waiting his turn to open things.
We do things by having each person, starting with the youngest to oldest, open one present so everyone can see what they got, then moving on to the next person.
After everyone else ran out of presents we sat for a solid 30 minutes watching Leon open the rest of his.
Friday, late afternoon, Meri and I drove the dogs out to the vets for the weekend as we were going to be gone early on Saturday. They were muddy... and I didn't want them putting their muddy paws all over the cars. So I held onto the dogs and prayed for my life as Meri drove the truck out to the vets with me in the back. I really should have worn a heavier coat, zipped, worn a hat or gloves, and taken some motion sickness pills... Even though the dogs were tied in with their leashes, Reedus kept trying to jump over the side, so I held him close the whole time and worked hard to stay upright on the wheel well. Meri didn't do a bad job of driving at all, but to me in the back, it felt like she was going 60 mph down the road and taking the corners on two wheels. And it's only a mile away from our house, but felt like 40.
Like I said... I need another vacation this week!
More on our holiday later. How was YOUR Christmas?
I would love to have a puzzle marathon, but with two littles around it would be disastrous. Puzzles remind me of my Grandma and how much we loved putting them together. Anyway, so sorry Leon was gone for Christmas, but you just extended your Christmas for another day, right? Yes, a vacation from vacation is needed.
It sounds like you had loads of fun! I am so glad it was good. And Leon's mommy does need to see Leon once in a while. ;-)
Sounds like a wonderful family Christmas. Mine was a tad less crazy!
You have the perfect family even if you have to wash clothes/dishes and argue with them a bazillion times. I did a lot of that here too. Wash, rinse, repeat. It took me hours to get the house back in semi working order. It actually feels good to be getting back into a routine.
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