Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Making rubber glue balls

 Sunday afternoon, Meri got to work gluing pages of a book together.  She'd bought the book LAST weekend at an antique store we visited.

  She had a Poetry book due Monday that needed 11 different types of poetry, either written by someone else and then a certain percentage written by her.  She would get creativity points if she was creative... so....

She did the math and figured out how many pages needed to be glued together so there would be exactly 28 pages to glue poems into.  Those'll be some THICK pages...  13 pages worth for each poem page, to be exact.  Robb made a special trip to clean Walmart out of all their rubber cement.  We now have 3 extra bottles of the stuff for future high school and eventually college projects.  Possibly nursing home projects.

I took over the rubber cement after she started getting a headache from it.  Meri went out to my office and printed everything off that she needed while I glopped on the glue.  Apparently I used too much and it was oozing out at the spine...  oops!  I rigged up some parchment paper to put between each page and wiped away the excess.  That seemed to help.


Then she got to the nitty gritty creative part and started attaching her poems and title pages.  She asked me to make corner pieces for each section.  I found a tutorial online on how to make these and they all turned out the same.  NONE at a perfect 90 degree angle! I rock!  But they looked cool, so we left it alone.


If this isn't the most creative poetry book that her teacher received, then I just don't KNOW what...

And in case you're wondering, this book weighs about 10 pounds now.


Gill - That British Woman said...

so if there is a cement glue shortage we can blame you right? LOL I hope she gets a good grade for all of this.

Jill said...

This is awesome! What a neat idea :-) I bet she will get an A for her efforts and hard work! Have a great day!!

Michelle said...

You are running a very creative household!

Southern Gal said...

I'd love to see the finished product. It looks amazing. You guys are good.

Jane said...

Heavy stuff!
Let's hope her teacher doesn't put his/her back out lugging it around lol! Kudos to the teacher for an interesting project!


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