Tuesday, March 10, 2015

It's a desk thing.

We're having a nice time with Maddy while she's here!  The house looks atrocious, but oh well.  She had a good day yesterday being a teacher's assistant at a local elementary school.  

Last night all the kids and myself went shopping so she could have some good stuff to stick in her lunch bag for today.  Having all the kids in the car happy was a lot of fun!  Meri secretly videotaped us all singing and Ryan interrupted her saying, "Hey!  My fly is down!  Don't take a picture!"  And we all burst out laughing when we found she was videotaping...  *he zipped up as soon as he realized it*  I'm sure she'll post the video on Facebook today.  NOTHING is sacred...

Leon was very helpful shopping by throwing as much snacky stuff into the cart as possible.  
Long gone are the days of him just sitting in the cart and pitching in what he could reach. 

He tried out the new additions to my office this morning.  Naked...  of course!  
That's what I was wearing when I installed them! ;)  *jk*

I had also dragged in a table/desk/shelf unit that I'd gotten at a garage sale a few years ago.  The sides collapse when they're not in use.  It's SO cute!

Cleaned it up and he had breakfast and a puzzle on it this morning.  Naked...

Then while laying on his tummy in the reading bathtub was concerned that I didn't have crayons in the tub for him to color.  

I don't typically store crayons in the tub...  That'll be a desk thing.


Gill - That British Woman said...

what is it with small children and being naked? Our daughter was constantly running around with no clothes on, and I wouldn't be surprised if her daughter turns out the same when she figures out how to take her clothes off!!

Michelle said...

Your house couldn't look any worse than mine. I think damp trolls live in mine. *sigh*

Out My window said...

Oh I am so glad the house is a disaster I used to think you were perfect! I feel so much better about myself now.


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