Tuesday, September 1, 2015

REALLY... say nothing at all

A song came on during the wedding dance that Meri and I love. 
We actually love the UK version better, but we sang along with this.

From behind us, we hear my nephew say loudly, "This song sucks!"

So he got a "How DARE you!!"  and a mug shot PLUS a place of shame in my blog. 
He doesn't know I blog...
I don't think...

Here is the UK version.  I think Ronan is a lot cuter than Allison.  PLUS I loved this version because I've heard it on LiveIreland.com's contemporary station so many times AND it was on the movie Notting Hill.  Enjoy!


Southern Gal said...

I like every version of that song I've ever heard. Rebekah used the Alison Kraus version at her wedding reception.

Michelle said...

Love this song :)

Jane said...

What a great song! You did the right thing lol!


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