Monday, October 12, 2015

Weekend Ran Down

And once again, I'm at the computer that can't download photos from my camera AND the camera is clear inside and I'm out in my office...  

So...  I'll describe my weekend in interpretive dance.  

Use your imagination.

Friday night, I made homemade pizza. Leon slept on our bedroom floor again because he's afraid of a monster that was coming out of his closet.  I really need to replace the bulb in his night light.  Robb's brother and his family arrived for the weekend.

Saturday, I ran some errands and when I got back, my BIL's family had already left to see my nephew down at the college.  I got some housework & laundry done and even did some sewing on the wedding dress!  I got it completed and that's when I noticed something...  

The rose that I'd made out of the hem that I wacked off the dress didn't look like the same color white as the dress.  OOPS.. How did that happen?  My hands were clean while stitching it together...  But then I realized that the hem drags on the ground every time the bride tries it on and that has been a lot.  So it's just dirty.  

I couldn't throw it in the washer because I'd already sewn the gems on it...  So I got a bowl of water with an Oxy Clean knock off that I had and let it soak for 8 hours.  Then soaked it in clear water for a rinse and left it sitting on a fan to dry.  

It dried brittle.  Hmmm.. Probably not enough rinsing.  But I scrunched it up a bit and it feels better now.  It even looks pretty good!  A lot brighter.  

Oh what the heck, I'll run inside and snap a pic...  Just a sec.
Luckily I can email the photo to myself from the camera, so at least we're not talking about a ton of photos...

What do you think?  Does it need more soaking??

Last spring when my SIL was picking up food for their son's graduation party, the staff did a terrible job and instead of getting her the food at 11 when she'd asked for it, the food was finally getting loaded up in her car AS the party was starting.  They also had a bad attitude about it and made excuses instead of apologizing.  That will only irritate the customer.  And it did.  She sent an email spelling out her disappointment to the company later that day, without expecting anything.  She just wanted to let them know how one of their franchises was doing business.  Twenty minutes later, she got a phone call from their PR department and got a bunch of free food coupons. 

So, the amount of food per coupon would feed an army of at least 40.  The coupon said 20, but this was TONS of food.  

They brought 4 huge boxes and several bags into the house.  The only thing we needed to provide were the drinks.  Awesome....  They had their kids all come too and we all pigged out.  I was so stuffed..  I am kicking myself that I didn't get a photo of the table all loaded down!  

Sunday.  Ate more of the food for lunch and then had a big dinner with my SIL and BIL that evening.  They left this morning.

How much food did YOU eat over the weekend?


Southern Gal said...

Now I'm curious to know what franchise this was!

I can't tell about the flower because the dress is in plastic. It looks pretty and white as it is, though.

I loved your interpretive dance. Especially the jazz hands part.

Michelle said...

From the photo, the flower does seem just fine.

Michelle said...

Meant to say, I don't know how you have any energy left for interpretive dance :)


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