Friday, October 9, 2015

Plotting.. MuWAHAHA!!!

Guess what we're plotting??!!!

Another day to keep me on my feet the entire 24 hours!!!!  

And I (honestly) can't wait!  I've got the Facebook event page created and so far 11 people are attending but I know it will grow.  Plus I've emailed all my relatives that I have emails for and may or may not be on FB.  

It will be so great to get everyone together again.  Since our family post-Thanksgiving reunion has been here for many of the past several years, every member of my extended family has the dinner prep & tear down to a science.  It goes so slick!  

And the talent shows are always so great!  I think my talent this year will be sitting...  Not sure yet if anyone else has nabbed that corner of the talent.

However I do not look forward to the final check over of the hall after everyone leaves.  It's spooky and the metal stairs click clack quite eerily when you're the only one in the building, well except for the policemen downstairs.

But the falling into bed (even at midnight, when it always is) sounds so good, even right now...


slugmama said...

You my dear are a glutton for punishment.
Ok, so I'd be excited too.....probably....lolz

Jane said...

Sounds like fun!! I think you should start practising your "sitting" now!

Sonya Ann said...

You have a massive family and they all sound so wonderful. YOu will have a great get together.


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