Friday, January 29, 2016

Put an M&M on it!

This is the fifth post past the last random posting, so it must be FRIDAY!!!!  WOOHOO!!!!
Maddy comes home tonight!  WOOHOO!!!!

The purse is done and I've got the next project lined up.  It may need to get done by Sunday morning for Maddy to take back to school with her.

It's not the bowling shirts yet...  Remember the dirndl that I made for Meri last year?  Yep, I need to make two more for Maddy's friends.

I'm thinking an easier style tho since I don't have the girls handy for trying them on.  A full green skirt and an apron out of the print with a low bib on it for the top part.  They'll have to supply their own blouse.  I'm using this from my stash, I think.  Maddy hasn't responded yet.

 This should make for some faster sewing!! Not having to wait on anyone to try things on!
I'll just sit and cringe when I send them back with Maddy.  Praying they'll fit.

Maddy won't be wearing one.  She's going to wear some leder-hosen that she's borrowing from Matthew. It's a German area... EVERYONE has leder-hosen!
But not a lot have dirndls.

She and her friends will get extra credit for a class presentation if they wear traditional dress.

On a side note, I finished my purse last night!  Here it is!
And yes, those are still Christmas decorations on my porch...

I can still have them up if I want!  It's not Lent yet!
or even Easter.

The new purse is sitting on my porch because it stinks.... of water/stain/people repellent.  Since it's suede, it could accidentally get set onto wetness, poured on, dumped on, spat on.  This way, it won't get so grungy too fast!  I hope.

So it'll sit there on the porch until it's odor free.  Then I'll use it.

I'm not REAL happy with how the straps are attached.  It just doesn't seem sturdy enough and I'm afraid the leather will tear if I put too much weight into the thing.  I've still got parts of the coat yet, so I may need to redo how it's being done.  

More hmmm.

I made Leon a pancake with mini M&Ms to make a face on it.  He's eaten most of the M&Ms so far... Not sure about the pancake though.  Too bad I didn't get a photo!

Tomorrow night is the Sweetheart ball!!  Meri has to work all day, dress into her new dress at work before she leaves and meet up with her friends at the dance.  She'll have her makeup and hair done before she goes to work.  She may need to touch it up again later.

Have a great weekend!


Jill said...

The sweetheart ball sounds fun! Make sure you get lots of pictures.... I was looking forward to the M&M ones lol, ;-) Have a great weekend!!


Jane said...

I had crackers for breakfast, kind of wishing someone would make me M&M pancakes!

Sonya Ann said...

You really can sew anything. I had a suede bag in high school and it stunk and then a book landed on my can of hair spray and the entire can sprayed the inside of the bag. Actually, it helped with the smell, well once it dried.


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