I got off of work slightly later than I was wanting to last night but hit the road as soon as I could. Robb wasn't able to make it so I drove an hour away and met up with an old college friend who agreed to come with me to Meri's Jazz competition in her town.
I hadn't seen her for years! So it was great to catch up on events in our lives and find out about the plans for her daughter's wedding as well as her getting stranded during the recent snow storm. Her son goes to college in the town near us but our paths only cross very rarely.
Kim's kids went to this high school so I'm so glad she came along with me! She got us in the closest door to the auditorium and we arrived JUST as our band was getting ready to begin.
Meri's band got the best score that they could get!
I'm proud of them... and her!
Afterwards we collected Meri and got supper together before Meri and I had to head home.
She and her husband are empty nesters and in some ways I'm very jealous!! In other ways, I want to hang on to almost everyone in the house and say DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!
It's amazing how so many years pass... ok 28. but when Kim and I get together, it's as if we were back in college and nothing has changed, when in reality a ton has.
We could have talked for hours, but Meri still had homework waiting for her at home.
We'll just need to plan another get together...
Love your pics!!!! It is always great to catch up with old friends.
That was perfect! Catch up with a friend and see Meri's band! I'm still waiting on a sound clip or video...
I've been dancing around the kitchen in the evenings while Ethan practices spring concert pieces. In the Mood!
Catching up with friends is always the best!! Glad to hear Meri received such a great score!!!!!
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