Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Hot Tea and a Snow Bank

Well...  I made some progress on the puzzle last night.  It might be done before Easter!!!  

The antique mall has a booth available now so Meri and I are plotting what to put in it.  We'll move in on Wednesday.  It'll be great to get rid of some pieces that have been cluttering up our house that we don't need.  Mostly in her room and my office...  

The other day as she and I were taking the leaves to the yard waste area in town, we passed by a table on the side of the road that had a free sign on it.  Kind of a retro vibe to it.  Meri was SO excited.  As soon as we unloaded the leaf boat, we went back and loaded up the table.  She was hoping for some furniture to put in the booth and was willing to spend $50 for some end tables on Craigslist for some.  But free is SO much better!

So now she wants to spend her free time curb shopping.  :\

The booth definitely gives me freedom to go to garage sales this summer!  yay!

I am out of caffeine in the sodee pop variety.  So I drank water yesterday after my initial morning cup of cappuccino.  I know, I know...  I'm supposed to be drinking water anyway and I DO!  It's just that in the mornings I am usually sipping on some DDP (Diet Dr Pepper) while I work.  

It's an addiction.  The pop, not work.

So today, I made a very strong cup of hot tea and then iced and Splenda'ed it within an inch of it's life.  It's the next best thing to sun tea and will do just fine.

We got snow last night!  If I'd gotten overly ambitious this past weekend, I would have planted the garden, and now it would be wrecked.  So good thing I didn't get that ambitious.  Looks to be about a couple inches.

And the only thing I'm going to say about Leonardo DiCaprio's speech is that he didn't HAVE to travel to the bottom of the world to find snow...  COME on!!!  It's in plenty of abundance in Iowa.

Come get it.


Sonya Ann said...

I hope you post pictures of what you are going to booth at the antique mall. Another adventure for you!!!

slugmama said...

Ok, the frugal me says don't pay for a booth at the mall(unless there is mega traffic thru there). If you want to declutter and sell furniture/etc. just find an online yard sale site. My town has one on facebook.
Because the downside to garagesailing and reselling is when you spend all that money and then nobody buys it(ask me how I know-hint, my sister in-law and all the yard sale crap crammed into my dead brother's house).

Michelle said...

Looking forward to seeing/hearing about the booth at the antique mall. I have toyed with the idea of having one myself.

SAM said...

My son had a few aquaintances that worked on The Revnant. Part was filmed in North hemisphere summer so they went way south. I know that we still have snow with more coming Friday. I would be dragging withno caffeine, but a good brewed ice tea works in a pinch.

Jane said...

Yes, but snow in Alberta is so much more refined...yeah, right! I"m so glad he won best actor - anyone who will eat raw bear meat for the cameras is #1 with me!


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