Monday, May 9, 2016

Coyote Motherly

Leon had a blast on his field trip on Friday.  He made a point to tell me that he didn't get into ANY trouble!  Good for him!!!

I had worked from the car that morning so I was able to take a slightly earlier lunch and come check out the sights towards the end.

 A stuffed coyote.  He was impressed...

 After his lunch and a nap, he buried himself in the sandbox and got sand literally everywhere on him.  He piled it on his head so you could feel the sand at the roots.  It was pretty gross...

That night, our nephew who still had a six hour drive ahead of him, stayed over at our place before heading home from college.  He wouldn't have made it after pulling 3 all nighters preparing for his finals.  Also that night Maddy and Matthew arrived for an over night too!  We had another houseful!  They were here long enough to eat, then all three of them headed out with Meri to watch some new Marvel movie that they all had to see on it's opening night.

We got them up early Saturday to head to the large group competition where Meri was performing.

We had about 1.5 hours before the next performance and since it was too chilly to go to a park, we made our own.  

Shoe swapping is always a hit!  Sorry Matthew that this photo didn't turn out!

Then I thought to get the camera in the car, so I ran and got that.  MUCH better pics now!
But darn.  They were back in their own shoes again...

Matthew remembered his lap top in the car as well, so while they went to get that, Leon showed me how to eat Doritos.

And only after 15 minutes of trying to hack into the school's wifi, I remembered my hotspot in my purse!

We're all pretty forgetful these days...  But oh well, we had a lot of fun!
And these guys found some fun videos to watch on Youtube. 
I learned a few new songs!

And Meri's groups sounded great.  I still haven't heard how they did though...
One of these days I'll get them uploaded to Youtube so you can hear them too.

Afterwards we took Meri back to pick up my van, which was getting new tires on it and we hit Chick-Fil-A on the way home.  Then these two had to leave.  It was a rush visit but we'll see them again next weekend when we move the girl home!!!

I hope you all (who are mothers) had a nice Mother's Day. I sincerely do.  Because mine stank.
It wasn't my kids... it was the flu.  The day started out with a close up of the toilet and just went downhill from there.  I napped, Netflix binge-watched, napped some more.  I managed to get dressed and come downstairs late afternoon, for all of 30 minutes before I realized that sitting up was a drain and wore me out, so I went back to bed fully dressed, taking a few rests on the stairs on the way back up.

Enjoyed crackers, 7-UP and Ibuprofen for my meals that day.  yum...  Oh and a piece of toast at bedtime so I could have more Ibuprofen.  Robb thinks my headache was from not having the usual amount of caffeine that I'm used to consuming in a day.  I had half a cup of tea at 5.  

Oh!  I lost 4 pounds!!!  

So that was a nice plus!!!  I imagine it will come back when I drink back the fluids I lost tho...  
But it was nice to see it on the scale this morning.

I'm still not feeling up to total par today.  Kind of feeling like a nap later...  or sooner.

Have a great week and steer clear of anyone looking even a smidgen ill.

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