Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Driving away waving

Well, the girl left yesterday after lunch and is in the process of driving with a boy to Colorado for the summer.  We WILL see her in a few weeks, but it just seems so far away... :\
Why do internships need to be in another state with one in between??

BUT we had a great time while she was home.  Besides all the busy activities, we got to watch several movies together, cook together, shop together, thrift together.  You will note that I didn't say CLEAN together...  We got to hear the same PopSeCo song over and over.  The same Knock Knock jokes over and over.  Hear her arguing with her sister late in the night.   

It was like she'd never been gone.

She didn't sleep in her own bed though the entire time and preferred the couch.  She had seen a spider on the ceiling near her bed and refused to use it until we found it.  That spider is an excellent hide and seek player!  We still haven't found him.

And Leon is going to miss her as fiercely as we do.  We'll skype a lot.

Robb and I have made a couple hour away trips to see cars that ended up not being what we expected.  If you answer an ad on Craigslist and meet at a Kum & Go, but they don't arrive...  When you DO get a hold of them finally and they give you a sad excuse for why they couldn't come but here is another address if you want to meet me here...  DON'T fall for it!  It's most likely sketch.  

So Robb and I had a lot of alone time driving back and forth.  

We may have come to conclusion about the cars, but we'll know more when we hear back from our explosives guy.

On Memorial Day, we attended the cemetery service and got to hear Meri's band perform.  Maddy and I walked, for what seemed like miles (it was actually probably 8 blocks) to find Meri's band marching.  Then walked back parallel, making faces, dance walking to the beat and in general trying to make her crack a smile while she was supposed to be marching.  

It was easy!

 Here is Star Spangled Banner when they reached the cemetery.  Meri is between the two guys in the front row in front of me.  She said that sweat was dripping down her arms in that uniform and she lived for every tiny breeze that came along.

Afterwards, we headed back to the house where Robb grilled some pork chops with a peach glaze and I'd made a drunken peach cobbler.  Sonya and Sluggy would have appreciated it.  I didn't have the ingredients for our usual drunken peach cobbler, so I found a recipe that included house ingredients and dumped a few glugs of peach schnapps into the mixing bowl.  

It cooks out...

Really!!  These girls are just goofy at times.

But it does give it a very good flavor.  However I cooked it too long and it ended up with a burnt divinity type thing on top.  

Still good if you have enough ice cream to drown it.  

We didn't.

Does she look taller NOW?

Watched the rest of Leap Year with the girls, as we only had 20 minutes left to watch and then we waved as our kids all drove off in different directions.

I can see our future in that sentence.


Sonya Ann said...

I am living that future. So true, my friend. Anna now informed me that she may move to AZ but stay here in the summer. WHAT!?!?!?!?
I love your family, they do ten times as much as everyone else and it doesn't seem that there is any complaining. We complain.

Southern Gal said...

Love Leap Year. Love your girls!

Michelle said...

It sounds like you have such a wonderful family!


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