Monday, August 22, 2016

McVal Squad & Foodies

From the McVal files.

Friday night.  McHubby brought the boy home and he hung out with us the entire evening, as his dad had to work.  Ferocious rain storm!  McNiece arrived at five and before I even saw her, she and McDaughter Meri headed off to have dinner out and catch a movie.  We didn't see McNiece until Saturday morning.

Ok, that's too awkward, and I'm not on Police Squad... So yeah, we didn't get to see Bethany until Saturday morning.  And then only for a little bit while Robb and I put together his new smoker grill that we gave him for Father's Day.

He had some smokin' to do!  

Leon made use of the box.  I've been told I can NEVER throw it away.  Well, then... I might store it in a dumpster down the street for him in about three months...

Meri and Bethany headed off to the Iowa State Fair for the day.  They got back in time for SSS (sshhh!!  Super Secret Steak night.)

Ryan took the boy and went on some adventures including an arcade.  No naps for THIS kid!!!  unless they're in the car and brief.  They had to make up for lost time but got back in time for SSS also.

Got to Skype with Maddy for about an hour too!  
She's gearing up for her Senior year that is starting today.
I've got her first care package sitting on my desk waiting to be mailed...

While Robb smoked meat and slow cooked the onion/garlic/bacon jam, (by the way, the house smelled AWESOME!!!)  I finished the wedding dress.  FINALLY!!!  Ironed on some more roses onto the skirt and did some hand stitching and trimming of a button and lace peplum.  


After completing that, I needed a break, so I intended to mow the back yard which looks like a meadow now with all the rain this past week.  However it started to rain as I was checking on the gas in the mower...  I pulled a few weeds instead and then pulled some rhubarb during the sprinkles and  decided to do a smidgen of cooking!

Since Robb was grilling and making supper, I got to the business of making a rhubarb cake.

Here is the progression.

Scrounge for recipe online and since we never have a printer around with ink or that works, notes scribbled by hand.

Cake batter.

Sugared up rhubarb.

Baked.  It's not supposed to look so scorched...  I think the oven was too hot.  

Oh well, everyone who likes rhubarb dug in anyhow and despite the burnt topping, it was actually quite good!

When the girls got back from the fair, they sat in the back of Meri's truck and talked.  The weather was beautiful!  So after dinner, they, Leon and myself hung out outside and the boy blew as many bubbles as possible.  

Then we played hide and seek.  When it was Leon's turn to count, I hid in a car and slumped down.  It took him FOREVER and the help of his aunt to find me.  AND I locked the door.  

Sunday.  After church, Robb and I did some shopping, then relaxed briefly while Leon and his daddy were off to see the movie Kubo.  I hear it's good.  Went to visit Ada, then deliver the smoked gifts to her hubby for a belated birthday gift.  Mike is a bacon hound...  So Robb had made him a smoked bacon explosion, smoked pork loin and some bacon jam.  I made a loaf of bread to go with it all.  We give him this every year, so it's not really a surprise...  But he still loves it.  
And he's not going to share with anyone, which is only right.

The wedding dress was delivered to a nervous bride, who couldn't remember the details of what it looked like on.  I thought I was going to have to take it back home and make changes, but instead got good reviews.  Even from her soon to be MIL!  whew.  Can't wait until THAT wedding is over with!

I'll show you pics next week.

Dropped off the boy at his moms and came back home to a nice quiet evening.  Meri took the grandma to a movie and I worked on the sewing newsletter like mad.  I got lots done, but need content!!!!  For at least a few pages.  Sent off emails begging.

Wrapped up the second loaf of bread that I made for Robb's bagpipe teacher, who had a birthday this week too.

Anyway, that's the weekend in the hum drum life, I call mine.

I think I'll go grab a piece of rhubarb cake for an early morning snack!
What'd you eat this weekend?


Southern Gal said...

My jaw dropped when I read it's Maddy's SENIOR year?! No way. How did that happen?

Anne in the kitchen said...

Just followed the link to the bacon explosion. Oh my goodness, I am drooling!

Michelle said...

I agree with Southern Gal....Maddy is a senior? Wow!

Sonya Ann said...

I could never keep up with everyone going in different directions in your house. I would lose someone at the very least.
Den has been talking about getting a bread maker. When I brought it up about a year ago, he poo poohed it. Hmmmm, if he thinks of it then its a good idea. MEN!


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