Monday, September 26, 2016

HOCO 2016

Our team won their homecoming football game!! YAY!!!  

Not that I even followed the game much.  Robb and I arrived on time to see the game and then realized that they started at least a half hour earlier than usual so the kids can get all prettied up for the dance afterwards.  Who knew??  Well a lot of people...  

The bleachers were COMPLETELY jam packed and there was only standing room only against a back fence.  Not even one that faced the field.  So fun times over here!!

But it all worked out.  The second quarter was almost done when we arrived, so just enough time to each a bag of popcorn before pulling out the camera to capture the homecoming queen and candidates walk and then the band at half time.

An old neighbor's daughter was the queen.  COOL!

Meri and some friends got dolled up at one of their houses and I was lucky enough to get invited to take pics along with a few other parents!

Crazy kids...

They had a great time at the dance too.

And Meri's hair is just too fab...


Southern Gal said...

Sometimes I wish I had a little birdie to tell me all the insider important stuff beforehand. Love Meri's hair!

Anne in the kitchen said...

Great pictures! I am glad we are now past the homecoming and h.s. football games. Son1 and 2 did the sports things so we were always there to watch those, then Son3 was a band kid so we kept going to watch him. The best part about being a band parent vs a player parent was the ability to leave after halftime. (Especially if it was raining)

SAM said...

My daughter hasn't quite gotten into the school "spirit' vibe yet, but she is active. Maybe now that she isn';t a lowly freshman she'll want to partake in Homecoming festivities that start next week I believe.


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