Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Aca Pressure

My high school daughter has come up with her own acapella group at the school.  For the last few weeks, she and another kid held auditions that would rival any "Pitch Perfect" tryout session.  Well, that I know of.  I never saw her during those weeks and when I did she was complaining that no one can read music these days...  But I guess they found around 10 kids to join them.

NOT their group.  This is from the movie...

Meri's group calls themselves, Aca+(school mascot).  Acawha???...

They meet pretty often and are trying to get the group ready to sing for the Christmas concert.  I'm looking forward to see if they bring beat rapping into the mix!  

But I won't sit in the front row.  Too much spitting.

It was pretty cool at the football game on Friday as they announced the Senior football players and their parents.  The announcer spelled out all the activities that each boy was in, some rattled on for several minutes per kid.  Small school and there are opportunities to be in EVERYTHING...  

All of the sudden, I heard "Aca+(school mascot)" in the mix and my ears perked up.  HEY!  That's Meri's group!!!  They're an official group!!!  Aca-cuse me?!

That was pretty cool.  Now they better have something ready for the Christmas concert!


Anne in the kitchen said...

Love that they formed a group by themselves! Please keep us posted and maybe share the Christmas concert?

SAM said...

She's such a creative girl-excited to read about her group in your future posts.

Linda said...

I don't understand the aca bit. Congrats on her group

Southern Gal said...

Well, now I understand the post I read before this one. I'm reading out of order. Congratulations to Meri! That is impressive!


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