Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Marching through the weekends

The weekend...  Friday night was the home football game.  

The bleachers were jam packed AGAIN.  Robb and I had to park about 8.5 miles away from the field...  But we managed to find a couple seats together right next to the student section.


High school kids are loud!  A neighbor sat next to us and we got caught up on all the kid news between the kids screaming.  I only got hit with candy once and someone else grabbed it when it bounced off me.  We left after the half time show as good band parents do.

Saturday morning, Robb headed in one direction wearing his kilt and I headed in the opposite direction to find the marching band competition parade that Meri was performing in.  It was a solid 1.5 hour drive...  

Look a ski lift!  

a little too green for my liking... and too steep.  What am I saying?  A bunny hill is too steep for me...

I made it in time with a half hour to spare, so I dragged a picnic table over next to the road like we always do and sat and waited.
Got bored so I took a picture of the table and sent a text to Maddy saying I was saving her a spot.

She, Matthew and Leon came with us last year.

A mother of one of Meri's friends walked past and recognized me.  She said, "Hey!  The rest of the parents are on the corner, come with me!"   

Okey dokey.  She's either very social, or I'm a sheep.

FINE...  I'll be SOCIAL...

But it was more fun than sitting alone and someone else got to benefit from my picnic table...

Besides getting some visiting in with a few moms, I got to see the band march down a much too narrow street for their group.  MOVE EM BACK!!!

 Got a few close ups after pushing some mothers out of the way.

After getting Meri back to her bus, I headed home again.

Dug out my phone about 20 minutes away and saw that I'd missed 5 calls from Meri.  She'd changed her mind five minutes after I left her at the bus and she wanted to ride back with me after all...
  Oops!  Too late now!!  

So when I got back, I hit up the thrift stores and found a bunch of costume masks for Leon.

Spent the rest of the day sewing the ugliest dress in the world.  I'll get a pic and show you tomorrow.

1 comment:

SAM said...

I miss calls from my kids all the time-last miute changes and so forth. I don;t hear well to begin with and then in my purse or in noisy spots. Well it sounds like you got a full weekend of marching band.


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