Thursday, December 1, 2016


Saturday morning, Robb cooked up a bunch of breakfast items and I unloaded more supplies from the minivan.  It was good to get the kitchen back in some semblance of order, however the gallon sized plastic bags had disappeared.  They've probably slid under one of the seats...  AND we couldn't find our cutting board that slides in just under our counter top.  We use it each year to carve the turkeys at the hall and it's like an extra counter top when we need it.

Found out later that my sister, Melanie, didn't know it was ours and she tucked it onto a shelf at the hall.  Robb had to go back on Monday and retrieve it.

Anyway, back to Saturday.  Some of the relatives that had stayed in hotels that night, came over for breakfast at various times of the morning.  The last leaving around 10:30ish.  One sister, Tammy, stayed longer so we could visit.  Also Robb's brother and bits of his family hung around til Sunday morning.

The white muslin quilt squares that I'd sent to all my siblings had gotten to the right places EXCEPT for the ones I sent them to Tammy.  She had been traveling all month and now it was too late to get her kids to do them.  I had to get that quilt done!  

So all her kid's handprints are actually mine...  

The great-grandkid handprints are my great-niece Norah's.  

I hope no one ever has to do any fingerprinting with these forgeries!    Tammy and I wrote the names on all of them then relaxed a bit in front of an empty Christmas tree that I'd just put together.  Then she headed back to our hometown to see Mom and Dad a bit more before heading back to Kentucky.

Leon got in on the action and painted another square for his quilt.  I guess it's not a dinosaur theme after all.  But that's ok.   This is Pinky Pie, from My Little Pony.

I spent part of that evening putting the quilt tops together with the 10 remaining squares.  Then hung out with the BIL and his wife for the rest of the night.

Sunday afternoon was spent measuring and cutting the back panel for the quilts and agonizing over getting them to the quilt lady on time.  She had a basement reserved for her quilting machine and it was huge...  What I wouldn't give for a sewing room like that!  It was pretty awesome.

Picked up the boy and went home to work on the last sewing newsletter I will do for a long long time.  I'm handing the reins over to another gal to be editor.  I'll need the spare time for other things.

Have you ever felt that you're pulled too thin?  I wish my waist line would think/act like that...

Anyway, by Monday afternoon, the newsletter was out the door and I felt like a load was lifted from my shoulders.  The quilts and the newsletter are done!!! yay!  Well... I still need to sew the binding on the quilts when they get back, but that is SO next week.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I am impressed with the quilt squares. As always, I look forward to the finished product!


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