Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Tidier Things

 If you had watched Stranger Things, you'd have gotten this...

And a little of the boy's photography.  

I cooked again last night!  Granted... I baked some brats and reheated a squash dish... But I was in the kitchen for over 45 minutes!  And it wasn't just to clean or wash dishes!  Sometimes I just amaze myself...  Tonight it will be the dollar menu at Wendy's.  Or pizza at Sams Club. 
We're almost out of brats.

After supper, I decided it was time to take the tree down.  The breakables are packed away.  The tree is in 4 pieces in my entry way.  The boxes have been stored away in the garage.  Well, not all, but most.  The living room is back in play and in pretty good condition!  I pulled out two bags of toys that the kid has either outgrown or needs to go to his bedroom.  How many stuffed animals does a 4 year old boy NEED in the living room??  He needs a good selection when he goes to bed.  And the Pokemon stuffed toy is only used for playing catch outside.

So what looked like this...
well not ALL December, but it was full of furniture and a tree...

Now looks like this.

Still nothing to write home about, but you can walk through the room now and not trip on an ottoman, or a case of Hot Wheels.  Now where did I stick all the mantel pictures??

And check this out!  I was going to sell this little desk, but decided that if I bought a Lego mat, he can put his Lego's here instead of smack in the middle of the living room.  Yay!  Not only does it have a matching stool, but his puzzles are stored underneath, so win win...  And he actually sat there last night and played. Whew!

So, feeling productive at my house.  What are you up to?


Jane said...

I actually said awwwwwww and sighed when I saw the un-decorated photo of your living room :) And, like you, I can't find some of my regular decor items! I thought I packed them in a Christmas bin for easy clean-up but I'm missing some things. Probably won't find them til next Christmas!

Anne in the kitchen said...

This must be a contagious condition. I can't find several things I keep in the den and some of my living room decor is MIA also. Who knows?

Southern Gal said...

Good for you! And what a great idea for that desk! I'll have to share it with Rebekah when Hollis gets to the age where he'll sit and play with legos. I'm sewing those Swoon quilt squares right now. So I do feel productive, though my house would beg to differ. ;)

Jill said...

I'd avoid Wendy's if you're still committed to eating healthy ;-) LOL. I had to laugh about the mantle pictures, I do the same thing... take them down and put them in a safe place, then wonder where the safe place is! LOL :-) I love those little desks! Both my girls had one and loved them too and I was so sad when they outgrew them.... enjoy it while you can. Stranger things??? Hmmm haven't seen that yet.. is it good? Have a great week!



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