Thursday, February 23, 2017

Batting things into submission

So the birthday boy got up early yesterday.  He was going to make the most of his big day!  First, he went downstairs to see Robb and Meri before they left for the day and begged for a birthday present.  No good.  So he woke up his dad.  He got a small present.  A little while later, begged one off of me.  ok...  But we have to save two for this weekend's party!  

Well, now he has one to save for the party...  and he got at least one more present from his dad just to leave the room.  

Grossery gangs rule this year!  Except for my gifts, because yuck.

In order for the treats to arrive at school in a non-crushed state, I let Leon ride the bus, then I dropped them off on my way to a hair cut.   He went to his mom's right after school but will be back tonight.

In the meanwhile, I did all the grocery shopping for the weekend last night and hope to get the house in ship shape for the party.  We have a pinata and junk to put inside.  It's a non-character one but we'll rig it up in the front hall for them to beat the schnoz out of.  
We did this for Meri's birthday one year and thanks to a little friend with a powerful batting swing, we have a small dent in a wall.  We won't blindfold them this time...

If those kids don't go home with all the junk we're stuffing inside this thing, I'll mail it to you.  

There.  I've started a contest.  You have to leave a note saying why you want 5 pounds of candy and kid toys.  If I decide it's a good enough reason, I'll send you any leftovers...  *winky face*

Back to work.  Have a good one!!!


Jane said...

Nahhh, you can keep it. The fact that you whack it inside your house is amazing though!

Anne in the kitchen said...

I just want pictures. You can keep the toys and candy

Meg B. said...

I forget what age, 4 or 5, but my mother told one of my siblings that the next time he bugged her about the presents before dinner, she was going to give them ALL to him, and he would have nothing left to look forward to. Well, he asked, and she obliged. Wasn't he a sad puppy when no presents followed the cake? Years later he said that at the time he thought she might have kept one for later, but then quickly learned she didn't play those games. I had to threaten one kid the same way. But, as we are a one meaningful birthday present per kid family, I didn't need to follow through.


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