Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Imaginarium Training

After seeing a stack of egg cartons in the car that I'm taking to a friend at church, Leon came up with a bunch of questions and ideas.

How many chickens does she have?
I want one of her chickens to raise as my own chicken.

I'll let it walk around just on the floor and the counter.
Me: Um, it'll poop and I don't want to bleach the counter every ten minutes.

Then I'll hold it over the toilet and let it poop there.
Me: Not sure that's going to work...

But he is adamant about it and wants to hatch an egg to a chicky.  So he had a pretend one in the back seat of the car with his blanket.  He gave me all the rules to keep it warm and how to drive so it won't get cracked.

Then he told us about a chicken-pig-head-o-saurus.  
just wow.

There was a marathon of Harry Potter movies over the weekend so I taped them all.  He's seen them but can only watch them on his dad's blu ray player.  I don't have one, so this was a nice alternative but with a lot of commercials.  He told me that one of the Harry Potter spells was real, so I explained that there is a woman named JK Rowling and she has a fantastic imagination, just like him.  The Harry Potter stories are all pretend.  She came up with a story that she had to write down into a book and it was all about a little boy named Harry Potter.  

So how did it get to be a movie?
Me: Someone read the book and said HEY! This would be a great movie!  So they did.

I went on to explain that he has a pretty awesome imagination and could write a book someday too.  He wants to write a Harry Potter book.  I suggested that he come up with a new story with people he's never heard of.  He might...

Someday, I'll tell the story and you can write it down for me Grandma.

It's going to be a big, BIG hit.


Jane said...

I'll be first in line to buy Leon's book about a magical chicken that doesn't poop! I like the strategy of "bums on pillows" in Maddy's kindergarten class (I'm assuming here). "Find your pillow" and ZOOM! She's going to have some great stories!

Anne in the kitchen said...

I like the magical non pooping chicken that hatched when grandma drove correctly! He has a really fine imagination and it will serve him well through life.


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