Thursday, November 16, 2017

It's Coming - Whether you want it or not

Yesterday, Leon and I dropped off his dad at work and then we stopped by Lowes to ooh and aah over all the Christmas displays.  Leon wants a blow up reindeer now.  

Actually he's been begging for this one, but his dad doesn't want him to practice target shooting at this age...

and I can just imagine it popping the first day home...

"Science" night became "Computer Game" night.  I was having trouble on the way home with Leon, trying to come up with a science project to try.  I have LOTS of ideas, but not the supplies needed and we've done so many already...  He came up with this one.  He envisioned after his homework was done that Grandpa, me and him would all be sitting at our own computers playing games.   Not together, just at the same time.

Yeah... I'll play a SIM game called "House". 
I sorted clothes in his dresser and worked on other housework.  

Then he and I watched a little more of Home Alone.  He LOVES that movie!  His dad, as a young boy, looked exactly like Macaulay Culkin, from the movie, and people would stop us in the stores to tell me that.

So the scenes like above make him CRACK UP.  

Well, it's back to the grind.  Talk at you later!  It's almost the weekend!!!!
For some reason I almost wished that you have a good weekend...  

Too soon?


Jill said...

Home Alone movies are great! We also love the Santa Claus ones and we watch them every year! :-) So hard to believe how quickly the holidays have arrived again. Enjoy all those little moments with the young uns... you know how quickly they grow up!


Michelle said...

I LOVE Home Alone!! What a great, holiday movie. Glad to hear Leon likes it.

Linda said...

Ha, a look alike. Fun!

Jane said...

HAH - it's always the weekend around here :) I love the Home Alone movies too - though McCauley Culkin looks like a crack addict these days. But he sure was a cutie pie when he was a kid and the movies are just as funny now as they ever were. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!


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