Thursday, December 21, 2017

Adeste Fideles

It's coming up on the Christmas weekend.  The sewing that I wanted to do yesterday made a TEENY bit of progress, but didn't get much further than that.  

It'll get done if I have to stay up until midnight on Christmas Eve...  (poor Robb - my sewing room is also our bedroom) BUT then again, who knows when my family is going to celebrate Christmas gift opening, so I might have until NEXT Thursday!

Four projects left, but two are being done at the same time since they're identical.

The Christmas letter is done and I haven't gotten the pic ready yet.  If you're on our letter list, you'll get it next week some time...  I'll pick up stamps tomorrow.

We had a scare last night.  As I was driving home from the Advent service, we passed the home of one of Meri's best friends.  Two ambulances had just driven into their yard.  So I called Meri and told her.  She quickly called her friend to find out what's up.  

As we drove up our driveway, Meri was running to the car.  Apparently the mom was being rushed to the hospital and her friend was home with the younger siblings and frantic.  So Meri went to help out and help calm Perla down.  They made dinner for the younglings and then the girls worked on studying for finals for a bit.  I'm glad Meri was able to help out a little.  We'll work on some lasagnas for her to take over to them today.

So.  Prayer requests: Perla's mom and my mom.  I don't know Perla's mother's issues, but I do know my own mothers.  And thankfully God knows all of it.  Just keep them in your prayers.  thx.

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