Wednesday, December 20, 2017

SEW Last Sunday

On Sunday, Robb and I cooked all afternoon for our annual Norwegian Christmas dinner with my bestie and her husband.  They arrived and just as we were sitting down to eat, Ryan and Jen drove in. It turns out that Jen is part Norwegian too and loved EVERYTHING including the melted butter over the works.  Who knew?!  I thought she was 100% Irish. 

I didn't get a single pic of the wonderful food!

My lefse was a hit!  At least that's what everyone said.  Robb said that I need to make more for this weekend's feasts.  And I still have some batter left over so I guess I could.  But only AFTER my big sewing projects are on done.  So I'm thinking Saturday.

I'm SO glad it's Wednesday already!  But I'm also thinking, Yikes!  It's Wednesday already!!  With any luck, I can finish two of my sewing projects over my afternoon breaks.  Then I'll just be down to two big ones for the rest of the week.

AND I think we'll be buying another car by this weekend.  Not sure yet.  Things are crazy.

Ok, enough gabbing.  I need to get back to work.  Have an awesome Wednesday!


Linda said...

I got your soooo beautiful card. It is lovely and appreciated. I think I sent one to you, but was and am so exhausted, remembering is hard. Mine is not so beautiful. Someday, I hope to get well enough to sew again.

SAM said...

Your meal sounds delicious, My mother in law makes huge quantities of lefse so we will be stocked for days after.


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