Thursday, February 8, 2018

Heading For A Future

Leon gets NASTY bed head...  

I don't have any pics of it, so just take my word for it.  When his hair gets longish and he goes to bed with wet hair, heaven help us...

So last night, Ryan and I took Leon down to Great Clips.  I sat with my laptop in the lobby finishing up work while Ryan went with him to get his hair minimized.

NOT the cut he got last night.  This is from last May when he was getting ready for the wedding.

After a while I heard a VERY surprised sound come from his hair dresser and then lots of laughter.  


Leon had looked around and said, "I think I want to work here!"  

And the hair dresser made sure he got an application to take home with him.  a real one...
She is expecting him to fill it out and return it.  I'm guessing he'll get a free cut maybe...
He definitely got a free sucker.

When we got in the car, he was SOOO excited because now we'll stop treating him like a kid and like a grown up!  He started with, "When I get fired"  then stopped and corrected himself, "HIRED!"  then went on in his excitement.  He can buy WHATEVER he wants with his OWN money and he'll be rich!

Reminded me of when Maddy wanted to work as the money taker at the McDonald's drive thru.  I believe she thought they get to keep it all.

I told him that he'd have to listen and obey his bosses even more than his teachers.  And I asked him if he'd get to work on time every day.  "ummm no..."  Then you COULD get fired.  

But he's still on cloud nine.  When he got home he said, "Now do I tell them yes or no that I want the job?"  Ahh kids...  I told him that was THEIR decision to hire him, not his.

So this morning, he said that when he gets fired he'll maybe be a doctor or a chiropractor next.  Yes, a chiropractor!  I gave him a big hug and kiss. FINALLY - an offspring of mine/next generation that wants to be a chiropractor!!!!  And he promised me I'd get free adjustments.

I did explain what the difference between "firing" and "giving notice when you've got something better lined up."

But after I hugged him, he thought about it some more and now he's back on the hair dresser idea.  

Well.. my bangs ARE getting a little long.  This could work.  

But I won't trust his cuts until he's at LEAST 8!


Anne in the kitchen said...

This post made my day! Everyone should have a Leon in their life!

Jane said...

Let's hope he doesn't start practising on you while you're sleeping! I can remember a couple of haircuts Kazi gave herself! But the worst was the gummy haircuts. Thankfully she was so young she didn't care what her hair looked like. But I must have looked like the worst mom!

Linda said...

Funny post! I think I want my hairdressers to be at least nine before giving me a haircut.


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