Friday, February 23, 2018

WAHOO!!!!! and then some other things

Ok... It's FRIDAY!!!!  YAY!!!! 

The fabric that I pulled out of my closet has been sorted.  Some are garments to recycle, some are larger fleece bits, some fashion fabric pieces.  The smaller remnants I pitched.  I have to be ruthless SOMEHOW...  The larger pieces I just didn't care for and couldn't think of how I'd use them are going to the GoodWill.  And I have a white garbage bag size full of felted wool sweater parts.  That bag of wool will be offered on freecycle whenever I get around to it.

The felted wool mittens just never really took off.  And our dogs appreciated the thumb of the one pair that Meri chose to wear.  sigh...  

26 days until spring!!!!  We'll survive.  

And I'm protesting winter by trying not to wear my coat as much as possible.  No one's listening, but hey...  I know why I'm blowing my nose.

One of Ryan's babysitters as a kid used to wear shorts on the first day the temp was 60 degrees or above.  I could do that if I ever shaved...  This week is supposed to be in the 40s and only going up from there.  I hope.  yay!

I visited a friend from church at the hospital yesterday.  She'd had a stroke on Tuesday.  If you can, please add her to your prayer list.  Just thinking about her is making me tear up.
It's one of those moments that you know, in a blink of an eye, things have changed forever for her and her family.

Leon's birthday party at school was yesterday.  I made cute little bags with a chocolate chip cookie, a pic of him with a note on it and a little plastic dinosaur from the Dollar Tree in them.  They were a hit!  I enjoyed the last hour of school with him.  

This is him at Free Choice time.  Then I got to take him home and he headed off to his mom's without a proper party here yet.  That'll be Sunday.

I got three paper bracelets given to me by a couple little girls who spend their free time making them.  One little boy narc'ed on Leon about how Leon gets in trouble because he doesn't put his shoes on fast enough.  shush kid... 

Leon had share time and brought a couple little Lego super heros that he'd put together. One from scratch and was a super hero that he invented.  Captain American is his side kick.  The kids were allowed to ask 5 questions.

1. Do you like it?
2. Do you like to play with them?
3. Did you like it?
4. Do you like them?
5. Can Jordan move away from me?  His foot is touching mine.

Then they pulled out the white erase boards and rags made out of socks and did math problems.  TOO cute!  Some of the kids make their numbers backwards and I saw Leon cheating just a little.

So...  the play is next week, tensions are high, stress levels higher.  I'm sure it's all going to pull together and be awesome, but until then, I'm racked with nerves and I'm not the only one. 

Constant praying for a lot of things lately...


Anne in the kitchen said...

I love all of your adventures with Leon. Since I only had guy kids I absolutely get it. He is just adorable.

The play will be glorious and all the stress will be over nothing!

SAM said...

You are super grandma! how fortunate Leon is to have you an dhis whole extended family. I love the 5 questions.


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