Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Bubbles in the Snow

Leon's dad wasn't home yet when the boy got off the school bus, so he asked if he could play outside.  Okey dokey!  I discovered that my rake is missing...  So I couldn't do too much outside of picking up a little garbage that had flown into my landscaping.
 *mental note - buy a new rake*

He rode his trike down to his best friends around the corner.  He COULD have ridden his bike, but he said that it had flipped him over last time he rode it.  Good memory for only certain things... ;)

That's about when he found some bubble stuff under the sink.  So he blew bubbles for a while too.
Don't know if you can see the one bubble in the upper left corner of the pic below. 

Pay no attention to the dirt on my van...  

AND it starting snowing lightly.  It was no more than a dusting by this morning.  
I can PROBABLY put the snow blower away for the summer... 
*knock on wood*
I did a little more work-y work from the porch while he played.  A little bit later, he came up with a crushed, empty bottle of bubble stuff and a broken wand.  
"What happened to this?  Did you step on it?"

"I got mad because I spilled a little and the bubbles kept blowing away, so I threw it on the ground."
Well, that kills the fun, doesn't it?...


Michelle said...

Bubbles sound fun. No bubbles here in central KY. A snowy day and no school, but as a teacher it is a nice break!

Linda said...

I can see the bubble.


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