Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Misadventures of FS

Leon's cousin in Georgia sent us Flat Stanley to visit for a week or so.
It came in the mail when Leon was just ready to get on the bus so Stanley had to spend the day with me. 

I showed him snow.

and how to do the dishes.  oh joy!  Not like he's going to take over for me while he's here...

THEN Leon finally came home from school!!! YAY!  Although he just wanted to bury FS in the Legos.  But FS looks like he's having fun, so that's the important thing.

Leon said that he got into a little trouble at school yesterday.
"What happened?"
"Well,  I just wanted to have fun and show XXXX that I was really strong."
"I bent a spoon to show XXX that I was really strong."

Meri and Briar burst out laughing and I glared at them.  Leon smirked and asked why they were laughing.  Well, Meri punted and said that Briar had told her a very funny joke.  Leon asked her to tell him the joke.  
"Knock Knock"
Leon says, "who's there?"
and Meri started chasing him around the room.  She couldn't think of anything else to say.
It appears to have worked and Leon's misbehavior at school was not rewarded with laughter.
I hope.

Later, after his dad went to work, Leon and I went on a walk, starting with our Eagle's nest.
I don't know WHERE that kid learned to smile...

Meri started the walk with us, but she didn't plan ahead and got super cold about a half block away and went back.

We walked to the park and Leon would just howl like a wolf for the pictures on the jungle gym...  REALLY?

I texted Robb and asked that he come get us after ten minutes as it was cold and there were wolves.  Well, wolves in Leon clothes.

 We found over turned garbage cans, from the possible tornadoes on Thursday, so we uprighted them and put some strewn garbage back in them.  

Then played imaginary ball!

Leon hadn't planned ahead either and is wearing my mittens... 

Watch me RUN Grandma!

It must have been a tornado because look at the porta potty!  Yikes!  I'm hoping no one was in it.  What a way to go...  

I wasn't brave enough to check.

So anyway, FS is off to a good visit at our house and hasn't even blown away yet.

sigh... I have no idea how we're going to entertain him today... 
I have a meeting today or I'd take him to school and have lunch with the boy today.
Maybe tomorrow.

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