Friday, April 27, 2018

No Laminated People Were Harmed In This Post

As if things weren't exciting enough around our house...

I was working on the computer in the living room and smelled smoke.  It kind of smelled like someone burning leaves.  and it was a windy day.  I thought to myself, "How irresponsible!'
After running all over the house checking all the rooms for something left on, I even went out on the back porch and sniffed.  Yep!  someone must be burning something.

So as I passed through the kitchen I saw smoke swirling around in the late afternoon light rays of the dining room.  Seriously?  Who is burning leaves so close to the house?!  So I went out front...

My neighbor and his daughter were pulling their garden hose over and the fire was on my own house!

I was suddenly stupid...  What do I do?  I ran for a phone and called 911 when Tim mentioned it.

Oh yeah!!!

So my house was obviously the one to watch...  People from down the street gathered at corners to watch the incredible number of volunteer firemen do their thing.  I think we had four firetrucks lined up down our street.  It was quite a sight.  Especially when they pulled out the chainsaw and started cutting into the wall...  The gas had been turned off so I ran inside to pull things off the wall.  A vase had already shattered to the floor.  

So I wouldn't add to the drama outside, I stayed in and made myself busy cleaning and opening windows to vent.  

We now have no gas and not sure when we can get it back.  Waiting on a fire inspection. The bath this morning was chill for my hubs!  

Today was flat Stanley's last with us so he got in on the action this morning.

And Meri went to the doctor's office to get checked out for smoke inhalation.  She is so stubborn and slept in her room last night.  Woke up feeling cruddy and miserable.  

Thankfully my son, mother-in-law and Leon were gone.  

All in all, we were blessed that it wasn't more serious.  God is so gracious!  And I am so thankful!


slugmama said...

What the heck!?!? What caught fire?
I am glad everyone is ok.....geez!

Anne in the kitchen said...

Oh my goodness! What? How? Thankful MIL and Leon were away!

Rachel said...

Glad everyone is okay. That must have been scary!

Jane said...

Yikes - good thing you followed your nose and have such helpful neighbours! Glad you're all ok - hope you have your gas back now....or soon!!

SAM said...

I don't now how I missed this post. I'm so sorry and hope the recovery is going OK. This is not something you needed but thanks fully, no oe hurt.


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