Thursday, June 14, 2018

Drenched Goals

I got a couple, three hours of work in on the garage yesterday!  Meri's future furniture is stacked on one side and I had another pile of stuff to take to the dump.  Plus an old ripped up tire with a bent rim for our car guy who said he'd take it for free.  Thank you Corey!!

So I got up earlier than usual today and actually got breakfast with Robb.  Loaded all the junk into the van and headed out.  JUST got back a little while ago and am trapped in my driveway.  The rain in pouring and if we hadn't gotten new tires on the van, I'd probably be hydroplaning across the driveway... ;)  probably not really. 

A little exaggeration is good for your hair, right?

Robb said the rain should last another 20 minutes.  I hope I have enough juice in my laptop for that...  and hopefully no hail. 

Anyway, making tracks on the garage and office sorting project.  If nothing else, it makes me feel less stressed.  The less baggage, the less baggage. 

Oh, I worked from my office yesterday for the first time since before Christmas! 

Looking forward to an organized house! 

and then I'll sew.

update: The power in the house went out.  I knew this because suddenly my internet connection dropped and I couldn't connect to my office computer anymore...  I finally got into the house when the rain let up a little.


Anne in the kitchen said...

It is not fun to be stuck in the driveway until the rain lets up. I know because it happens to me regularly. Glad you made it back insid and I hope the power loss was resolved quickly.

SAM said...

You are creative-finding a way to keep plugging away. We have been spared the wild weather.

Michelle said...

We live so far out that when our electric does go out, then it is usually the next day for service to come back on. I like the old fashioned sewing advice. Really applies to a lot of things! Get your "stuff" done and then you have time for the fun things!

Southern Gal said...

I laugh at that Singer thing every time I read it. Hilarious! I'd never ever sew again. ;) Glad you were able to post while sitting in the car!


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