It was a hot one yesterday! While Meri ran up to a church to practice some songs that she'll be singing today for the funeral of a family friend of her Belle dad, I made tacos at her request and Leon helped me fill about 60 water balloons.
Wow, was THAT a run-on sentence...
But here they are.
And I messaged a couple neighbors with kids Leon plays with to come over at 7 and have a water balloon fight.

It was the one thing that their parents could hold over their heads to eat their supper! They chowed down and ran right over.
And THIS is where things started going south.
Leon decided to take revenge out on the boy that threw it at his face by winging one at him at point blank range, so we timed him out for a minute or so. By the time he apologized and got back into the game there were no balloons left, so there were tears and a meltdown. Another boy called him a crybaby and that didn't help, so Leon was taken inside while the neighbors and I picked up the tiny rubber balloon bits spewed on the yard.
Yeah... Leon went to bed at 7:30. He needed it.
We're thinking a summer nap schedule (or at least a quiet reading time) is warranted.
Water balloon fights and boys of that age are the basic recipe for a meltdown. What were you thinking?
I know it's summer when I see you fill a container with tons of water balloons! Yee haw!
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