Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Fairly Lemoned Out.

I forgot to tell about the fair!  We went down twice.  Once to attend a retirement party for an old 4H leader and to pick up some deep fried Oreos and other deep fried goodness... The other because Meri and I needed to work (sit and talk) at one of the buildings to make sure no one made off with a 4H project.  

We had gotten there a little earlier than our shift so I took Leon through the various cattle barns.  

He wants to live on a farm now because I don't want goats or a pig in our backyard.  


AND he found his favorite chicken!  Every year, we count how many eggs we see in the cages.  This year was 5.  And then he found his favorite chicken and went to see it several times during our lunch at the 4H food stand.  

He refused to get the goat burger, since he liked the goats and refused anything chicken related.  So he settled on a hot dog.  Yeah...  That doesn't have a face! :) 
It has actually multiple faces...  but I won't tell him that or he wouldn't eat anything.

 Then Robb picked him up and took him to a movie and I went to my sewing meeting.

Tuesday morning while stopping to see his dad.  That cat...  It almost looked like a cut out.

Yesterday after Leon and I made the lemonade, he suddenly had a wild hair that we were going to set up a lemonade stand on the yard.  sigh...  My kids never had any success at this type of venture.  Probably because we live on a dead end road and most of our neighbors hate us.

But he was adamant.  Even more so adamant that the table be made of cardboard and he makes the sign.  He was timed out for five minutes because I used a sturdy table.

Then later when he wouldn't give 50 cents back to one of Robb's co-workers who gave him a dollar and expected 50 cents back in change.  "But I NEED the money!!!"  Good thing the customer wanted a refill!  That'll be 50 cents please.

Apparently he's saving for his own phone.  He's gotten $5.50 cents so far.  Don't quit your day job!

He'll get this money thing figured out.  AND eventually figure out that you'll get more customers if you don't count the remaining plastic cups by touching all of them individually.  AND by putting the ice in first so it won't splash.  AND by closing the flipping cooler to keep the ice from thawing!  

He got frustrated a few times and threw his tablet on the grass once.  That got him timed out again.  I would have shut it all down at that point except Robb had texted me that some of his friends were on their way.  *act relaxed...  smile...  keep the threats to a minimum...*

The end of the lemonade stand couldn't have come at a better time.  Well, earlier would have been even better, but it ended.  Whew!  

Tomorrow he wants to sell lemonade again AND ice cream too...  

Nah - we're done.


Anne in the kitchen said...

I love the way he thinks!

Michelle said...

I never like the whole selling of items business when my kids were younger. Didn't matter if it was lemonade or something else! lol

Linda said...

I am glad my kids never pushed for a lemonade stand. We have traffic. But, after a few minutes in this heat, they would be ready to close down. Or, maybe I would be ready to close it down.


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