Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Le Le Lemonade

The abscessed tooth is gone!!!  YAY!!!  I took Meri and one of her best friends to the dentist this morning.  I went and worked from the lobby and the friend was grossed out enough that she soon followed.  About 5 minutes later and Meri was done.  

REALLY?!  I could have probably done that with a pliers!  

Or an ice skate...

Meri didn't want to talk so she spoke through her phone's Siri.  Siri is a *****.  
Don't take that flat tone with me missy...

So Meri is napping and Leon wanted to make lemonade out of the lemons we bought yesterday.  
I had HIM do the juicing.
He must have said this a dozen times during the making of it.
"When you get lemons, you make lemonade!"
"Yeah yeah, keep squeezing!"

It took 5 or 6 to make a cup of the lemon juice.  Then I heated a cup of sugar with a cup of water to make some sugar syrup.  I mixed it with 5 cups cold water and the juice.  

Leon liked it and wants to have a lemonade stand this afternoon.  sigh... 
Never a dull moment.  I'm so jealous of people that have those.

I saved all the lemon rinds for some candied citrus that my sister makes at Christmastime.  Looking forward to trying out that recipe!!  I stuck them in the freezer.

For the rest of the week, Meri has been and will be pulling more things out of her downstairs room in prep for the big move.  We've got two extra chairs and an ottoman in the living room and lots more tucked into the garage.  

Her idea of cleaning is throwing EVERYTHING into garbage bags and leaving them in the kitchen for me to sort.  The last time she cleaned, she forgot to even bring it upstairs so she brought it up this morning.  I found dishes I didn't think I'd EVER see again.  Hmmm... I thought that had gotten broken!  And our forks and spoons have been replenished!  Except for the rusty ones...  Who wants that?!!  We have enough for another load of dishes soon but they'll need to soak first.  
My dish cupboard is going to be bursting at the seams!!  Never has there been so many mugs!
(I jest... Maddy had quite the selection too.)

Ryan was all... "And you thought I had taken all the dishes!!!... I don't do that anymore.  I'm an adult!"
I can only assume that translates to "I know what ants are."

I took all of my sewn items to a sewing meeting last night.  Well, except for the shark blanket bag because it was in the dryer and I forgot it.  They were very encouraging and gave me some tips on a few of the items to make it place better at the fair.

Now off to sit (work) on the veranda (desk) and sip my mint julip (lemonade) in the summer breeze (ceiling fan).

Enjoy your day!


slugmama said...

Meri and Noah are dish twins! I hope she grows out of it sooner than did(cuz he hasn't)lol.

Michelle said...

An abscessed tooth is gross! We have had those at our house. I hope no more....

Linda said...

My friend brought a garbage bag of plastic dishes he thought I might want. SO, that's where all my Tupperware went! I barely had room to store them.

SAM said...

I can imagine what I will find when my youngest finally really purges! lad the tooth is no longer a problem. Is the move the end of the month?


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