Friday, August 31, 2018

Boys will be... grounded

wOW!  What a rainy icky day today!  I'm so glad I got some outdoor work done yesterday over a late lunch!  

I pulled out the chainsaw and cut down several branches that had been trying to decapitate me whilst mowing.  Then hauled them to the yard waste place in town.  Since Leon's bus wouldn't be back for 30 more minutes, I took the advantage of stopping at Casey's and getting an ice cream cone... 

I gobbled it all up before I got home.

Is that wrong?  In my mind, No.  He doesn't need the extra sugar anyway and I really needed a treat.

That was my reasoning anyway.  I went to get the mail as the bus pulled up and the driver motioned for me to come onto the bus.  

Oh oh...

Turns out that she was very apologetic that Leon had to eat the school lunch that day.  When he got on the bus in the morning, he acted goofy and was swinging his bag around, with the potential of hurting someone, so she took it away and sat it at the front of the bus next to her.

He forgot to grab it when he got to the school and his lunch was in it... whoops!

So he had to eat the school lunch...  *the horrors!!!*  He's the pickiest eater and I watch for lunch days when he won't like what they're serving and pack a lunch for him on those days.  So yesterday, he got to sample a rib sandwich.  He actually LIKED it!  Without the bread, but it's a start!

earlier in the summer, as you can tell from the length of his hair...

Today is Crispitos and he really hates them after having tried them last year, so I didn't force the issue.  

We've got the new lunch menu item he'll eat so far this week, so I call that a success for now.

I packed him a lunch of a pepperoni and mayo sandwich on a hamburger bun (he loves those), a bag of puffed corn and an apple.  With the cold pack that I put in for the sandwich, the lunch box weighs a ton!  I don't think he's strong enough to swing it around today.

So instead of him going to a friend's house to play, he and I had to apologize to the bus driver and then he had to come home and get a talking to from me about swinging backpacks...

When I was in elementary school, I hit a boy on the head with my lunch box and he kicked me in the stomach.. both on the bus.  I don't remember which came first, the kick or the box, but both were wrong things to do... So I used that as one of my stories that while everyone screws up once in a while, it's NOT appropriate behavior, especially on the bus!  I reassured him that we both got into serious trouble.  I really don't remember...  I don't even think the bus driver had a mirror to see what we were up to back then.

If today goes well, he'll have a friend over after school for a little bit.

Crossing my fingers!


SAM said...

Great job with the talk, Val. He learned the behavior is wrong, but he can make amends and do better.

Meg B. said...

If that had been my kid, (and it has been) I would have told him how lucky he was to have had a lunch he liked, and then taken the cost of school lunch out of his piggy bank. One of my sons gave me many email-laden days at that age. I finally nixed all screen time--not in a punitive way, mind you, I just had a hunch, and stopped it incrementally, until the next thing I knew, said child was choosing to read, or play with Play Doh, dinosaur figurines, and the like in his free time, and issues at school all but stopped. He was forced to figure out what to do with himself when he wasn't being passively entertained with t.v., game systems or the computer. (I did allow movies on weekends.) To this day, he remains my most avid reader/serious scholar.

Linda said...

No, it is not wrong to eat ice cream or candy before the kid gets to see it. After all, we are just saving them from developing our vice. I have done it many times when my three were small. I have even lied about having the smell of a Hershey bar about me when they got in the car.

Jill said...

They learn as they grow and that's what matters.... that they do better :-) But school lunch though... that is pretty tragic... lol ;-) Have a great night!



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