Tuesday, September 4, 2018

There IS a free lunch! and supper and breakfast

It was a great weekend!  One for the history books in many ways.
Maddy and Matthew decided to make the Isosceles  triangle trip by coming to our house for a day and a half and then go to his folks for a day and a half, then home.  The mileage is almost a perfect Isosceles triangle.  They brought Duke and he had a great time with his son, Reedus while here.

Ryan treated us all for breakfast!

Since they got here SO late on Friday night, we went out for breakfast at the pub/restaurant where Ryan works on Saturday.  Meri met us there and then took them to her house for the afternoon to play games and hang out with Ryan when he got off work.  

That night, the three of them, came back to our house for a SSSN (Super Secret Steak Night) and games.  I had gotten this game from a sister's garage sale this summer but hadn't played it yet.  With five of us around the table, this was a huge hit!  Especially since Robb won twice...  

Best 50 cents spent ever.

On Sunday, we took the kids and mother-in-law out to lunch and my MIL insisted on paying for everyone.  Cool!  

For the rest of the day, Robb and I mostly relaxed until he ran to pick up Leon.  Later that night, we took Leon down to his dad's and he spent all of Labor Day with him since the pub was closed for the holiday.

Robb and I went in the other direction then on Monday and headed to my home town to see my  parents.

I love those two!!!

Since they'd already made plans to have lunch at my sister's house, we invited ourselves over too, but brought some calico beans and pop to make the self-invite more acceptable!

While I helped Melanie in the kitchen, Robb had an interesting convo with Lily, the one that looks like she's about to smack her sister, but really is pulling her arm away.

He asked her if he was her favorite uncle.  Of course, a niece should say YES!!!  Because you might get a quarter!  However she asked him, "You're my uncle??  I thought you were just a guy that hangs out with my aunt."

 They really need to get the family tree up on their wall and start filling it in... ;)

So we quizzed her a bit about the rest of her uncles (aka aunt chauffeurs).  What's the name of the really tall one that has a name that started with K and rhymes with Ken?  What's the name of the uncle that has the same name as your dad?  She got a bit snarky after that.

On our way home, I watched the last episode of a 2005 mini-series of the Poseidon Adventure.  It's not quite the same with Rutger Hauer as a priest and Steve Guttenberg as a philandering dad... but the Shelly Winters lookalike still made me cry when she died.

We went to pick up Leon from his dad's and on the way, called in a pizza order to the Best pizza in central Iowa.  It says so on their shirts.  As the pizza guy asked for Robb's name, he suddenly said, "HEY!!!! Robbbbbb!!!!"  

It was our nephew, gainfully employed!!  His roommate was also and said Hey when we got there.  
 Since we were still a little ways away, Robb also called his brother to tell him about it.  The brother said for us to ask for the friends and family discount.

We got the obligatory selfie with Josh and sent it to his dad.  Found out that our pizza was already paid for!   Not sure if it was Josh or his dad, but awesome!!!

Cheapest weekend for food ever!

Can't wait to see what next weekend holds!


Anne in the kitchen said...

Love your weekend food budget! We had the exact opposite $$$ food weekend. Lots of houseguests at the lake for the entire labor day weekend really did add up. I moved it from our food budget to T and E or I am pretty sure we would only have about 20 bucks left for September meals.

Michelle said...

I went to the grocery and spent a fortune! lol Sounds like you had a great weekend full of family and free food. Sounds perfect to me.

Linda said...

That sounds like a fun and free weekend. I wish I had someone to play games with me!


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