Thursday, August 30, 2018

Gritty Dreams

The chatter has been high on the sister-cruise front these days, both in emails and the FB sister's communique.  We still have several months to go.  

Flights haven't been booked yet, but Robb is trying to decide whether to fly me out of Des Moines or Kansas City, as one is $50 cheaper than the other and is a day earlier...    Not that that is an added benefit or anything.  They probably will make up the difference by charging me for every little thing.  

Oh, a cell phone?  That's an extra $20.  
Ah... you brought your own toothpaste?  Yeah... that'll cost ya.

Then today, my sisters started saying that since Robb and I hoard people, they want to live here for $50 a piece per month!  If only our current residents paid that kind of rent!!  Sigh...

Even though Ryan is living part-time at Meri's apartment, he's here part-time now that Leon is back in school.  He has some plans on renting a house soon and have Leon live there with him.  So I might not get to see him off in the mornings for school.  So the house COULD have more openings for guests.

I stress the word "guests"...

That'll leave my MIL with us.  And of course the dogs.  If I play my cards right, I might get my own sewing room again, but I'm not going to make the same mistake twice.

LAST time, I had one, I got all moved in and settled with my sewing things, including the obligatory pins in the carpet and shelves housing my fabric stash.  And THEN I had to move it all back to my bedroom when a kid moved back home.

So we'll see.  Life gets chaotic and the grass still needs to be mowed.

Can you believe this was 13 years ago??!  
The last sand I felt with my feet where an ocean was attached.

I canNOT wait to sink my feet in the sand of some beach in the Caribbean!  


SAM said...

I'm so excited and happy for your upcoming trip. You deserve it.

Southern Gal said...

Nothing like a beach and the roar of the ocean!


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