Friday, August 24, 2018

Stripes tell no lies

Leon's haircut was NOT popular with his dad and Jen, so he's getting a redo tonight from a hairdresser friend of Ryan's.  

Granted... this pic was a few minutes ago with bed head and his (my) favorite blanket, watching "my Youtube."  Kind of like me saying I'm going to watch my news channel. LOL!  He cracks me up.
As far as he knows I deleted this picture.  NOPE!

Back in high school, I had super long hair.  It hung all the way to my butt.  Straight as a board.  Most of my sisters and myself are doomed that way.  A couple of them developed a natural wave to their hair that they hate, but don't we all hate our hair at some point?  I guess we should be content with what we have...

I'm the sister on the far left with one of my shorter styles.  Although I think it's in a pony tail and COULD possibly hit my bottom if I let it hang.
The sister in the middle once drew a picture of me with staticky hair wrapped all around me.

ANYWAY!  I got my hair cut and was wearing a striped sweater.  I got home from the cut thinking I looked super cute and looked into the mirror.. One side of my hair hung down to one stripe, while the other down to the next 2 inch stripe...  My head was NOT tilted!  

I went back to the salon immediately and they fixed it.  My current hairdresser did that once too.  


So now I'm in the habit of wearing striped shirts when I get my hair trimmed...

BUT poor Leon.  No amount of stripes will help him as a guide.


Anne in the kitchen said...

Luckily it is just hair and will grow back!

Jane said...

I'm sure Leon doesn't care too much about his new do but us females that's a different story. I had perms as a child that gave me panic attacks are I guarantee NO photos exist!


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