Thursday, September 13, 2018

Hoot of the high seas

Well, whadduyaknow?  Leon likes my homemade bread for toast!  I gave him a taste of mine this morning.  

What is it?  Every 7 years, taste buds change?  He's coming up to age 7...  hmmm..  

GOOD!  Can't wait for the vegetable buds to develop.

I'm going to be juggling a lot today.  Shouldn't be too bad if I can survive until at least 4pm.  A lot of dimensions at play...  And I get my teeth cleaned/scraped. YAY!

I'm pretty sure the dental hygienist knows when I lie to her about the amount of times I floss...  sigh.

AND I'm pretty sure I get my minivan back tonight!!!  WOOHOO!!!  It's been on loan for a while and I miss it.  The other cars are fine, but I can really HAUL stuff with my van!  It's hard to declutter when you don't have anything big enough to get the big stuff out.  Well, I do have Meri's truck, but it costs 2.5 times more to take a load of garbage down in that thing and it's death to gas.

I got my shirt done yesterday FINALLY that I'd been working on for a month.  It's a copy of a blue knit layered one that I've worn to death, but in a woven outer shell.   It didn't turn out like I expected and it's a bit small.  But for a rough draft copy, it wasn't terrible...  I wore it last night out of the house.  

That's when you get a bit too self conscious...  

We took Meri out to eat before Bible study and got caught up on her life and she ours.  I've set up an appointment  to get her piano tuned.  She made a video the other day of one of her roommates playing it and certain keys sounds disgusting.  I hope it's tunable!!  

I told Robb that Meri needs to date a piano tuner and get a free tuning, then break up with him.  One of my sisters did that successfully! ;)  I'm kidding about Meri, but a sister did do that.  Aren't we terrible?!

Speaking of sisters, the sister chat line has been hopping lately and the room companions have shuffled a bit.  The girls in my room are already planning pranks on the other room of sisters, the likes of which would rival only the original Parent Trap kind!  Panty raids, yarn strung up drenched in honey, short sheeted beds...  

We'll be the hoot of the high seas!
The staff will love us!

Of course, we're all getting old, so we'll probably just end up knocking on their door and hiding down the hall.


SAM said...

It will be a nice break for you to take the cruise with your sisters. We just had poker night and we laugh until we all need too many bathroom breaks!

Southern Gal said...

A cruise with sisters sounds magical...sort of. And, yes, the hygienist knows you're lying. :)


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