Monday, September 10, 2018

It's Element ally

Leon was better on Friday and went back to school.    He was here for supper too and said that e did NOT want my homemade pizza!!!  So I said fine.  He gets  burger.  Which he dissed the next day too...  

I'm either batting a zero or he is...

So Friday night, I made a cauliflower crust pizza with pepperonis on half for me and the other half for Robb and Leon had the burger.  He asked me what my pizza tasted like and I gave him a tiny piece.  He LIKED it!!  

Hey MIKEY!!!

So he ate the rest of my slice.  Can you believe it?!!  He ate a vegetable willingly!!!

On Saturday, he and I went to his dad's restaurant and met up with Meri.  We had second breakfast until his dad got done with his work at 11. 

So Leon went home with his dad for a little while and Meri and I went grocery shopping for her kitchen.  

I took Leon to his mom's then and met back up with Meri to see a matinee.  We saw The Meg.  And a friend is right.  It was much better than Jaws and a lot more fun!  Meri and I jumped even when we KNEW what was going to happen from the preview.

I think the funnest, most upbeat part of the movie is when they played Hey Mickey, You're So Fine in another language.  

Meri and I think she needs to use that version for her America's Got Talent audition!  Or this.

 She's still contemplating many different songs, but wouldn't this be awesome?
Apparently an Armenian girl nailed it in the Voice a while ago, but Meri could SO make this her own!  She'd need a shorter version, naturally...

Sunday, I was able to relax JUST a little until Robb brought Leon and his brother home.  Finn is staying with us until Tuesday.  He's playing with ALL of Leon's toys right behind me as I type.

He gets SO aggravated when he can't figure out how to make a car again after making a man out of Leon's transformers.  And he's ticked that I can't (or won't ) figure it out for him.

You can definitely tell he was not raised in this home.

So last night, I had gotten Leon some chili dog sauce because he's been begging me to save some of my Wendy's chili for that all week.  Nope, I'mma eatin' it all...  WITH hotsauce!!!

Leon said that he actually didn't want to try chili dogs yet, instead requesting that I make cauliflower pizza again.  REALLY?!  Ok...  I made a smallish one that he ate half of and then asked for some of the pizza bread that I'd made for his brother.  There was plenty as I had anticipated that.
I think I need to figure out how to make a broccoli crust next.

So, when's the NEXT weekend?


Meg B. said...

Isn't it funny how we all parent differently? For instance, I would be quite inclined to show a frustrated preschooler how to work a toy several times, but I certainly wouldn't cater to picky eating, or allow disrespectful comments about a meal I prepared, even a day after the fact. (I encourage suggestions, like "I would have preferred less cilantro," but don't allow comments like "Those were gross!") I imagine the difference in parenting styles is what makes us grow up into different adults, and keeps life interesting.
In any case, you sure are one energetic woman. I really admire your willingness to keep an eye on your grandson's little brother. It's a very kind thing to do.

Jill said...

I heard The Meg was a pretty good movie... the girls have been wanting to see it. Hope you have a great week!


Southern Gal said...

Catching up! Meri is trying out for AGT? Apparently I missed that post! My nephew tried out for The Voice last year and American Idol 2 weeks ago. He didt make it but didn't want to spend his life thinking what if. No, ma'am. No Meg.


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