Thursday, September 6, 2018

Sick of Pianos, for now

It's been a long day already... Leon came into our room last night complaining that his head hurt and he was really hot, then cold.  He was burning up with a temp!

Got some Motrin in him as well as scrounged up some water and a barf buddy bucket.  Things settled down for him and he eventually fell asleep again.  It took a while for me.

So needless to say, he stayed home from school today.  Ryan was here to stay with him but I needed to bring them to his house this afternoon while I ran errands over lunch.  I expected Leon to take a nap as he was in a tearful mood when he got out of the car.    But I got back here a little bit ago and he's wide awake watching a show with his dad.  


So I've dug into their internet access and am working from their dining room table. 

 I'll make the boy nap on our way home.

Here is Meri's piano that she paid for with her OWN money! 
They store dirty socks on it.

When Meri saw it for the first time, the previous owner (we'll call her Sally), asked Meri to play something and try it out.  SURE! Meri sat down and regaled us with the theme song from The Office.  

Sally practically swooned and gushed at it's beauty, asking which classical piece that was...
I noticed then that she did not own a tv...  at least not in that room.

This piano had a note written inside saying that a princess of some foreign country had played it.  Don't know which one, but that had sealed the deal for Meri and she chose this one over a slightly cheaper one miles further away.

I've just looked it over and the lighting in this room is so bad, I couldn't see the note anywhere on it.
Oh well.  It's probably on the bottom and I'm not going to lift it.

Sally, Meri and myself got it loaded onto Meri's old pickup and I drove it here, only tipping it over once on the way, not counting the teetering when I went over some train tracks.  Meri was not very merry. 

I should have used the straps and bungees...

That thing is MUCH HEAVIER than it looks...  And Meri and I were the only ones available to unload it and place it into the house.  Yikes!  We backed the pickup up right to the porch to do it and an inch or a half per minute, we finally got it inside.


Meri declared that this piano is a piece of junk, when the side panel broke off. (my fault.. it went back on!) and that she hates this piano and will never play it!
Eh - Your money...
Are we done here?
Because I'm not moving it from this spot.
I really don't care, but she'll get over it and will end up loving it except when she moves out.

Get PRACTICING Chicky!  You've got two big performances this winter!


Jill said...

Hope he is feeling better and good luck with the piano!

Linda said...

Before she moves, she needs to make friends with people capable of moving it.


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