Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Simply Southern Mom Cookbook

Today I'm reviewing Simply Southern Mom's blog and brand new cookbook that she wrote with her daughter.  It is being released in 12 days!!!!  She's so excited!  So am I!

While I'm not cooking all the time and my favorite meal to prepare for whatever family happens to be home is "figure it out for yourself night", I love perusing cookbooks and dreaming about something to prepare that will cement my cooking in their memories.  Instead of giving them bad dreams.

Pam and I have been following each other's blogs for years and I have been inspired to make lots of her yummy things!  

Pam Wattenbarger and her grand-daughter.  

The cookbook has recipes that cover every Southern dish you've ever heard of and tons that you hadn't even dreamed of.  She and Brittany have been posting video tutorials on Facebook for the last several weeks on how to make lots of different foods from the book.  The last one I watched was how to make S'more pie and it was so different than one I'd tried in the past.  It made it look like a smooth pumpkin pie with whipped topping, but with chocolate and marshmallows...  OHHHHHHHHH...

I gained five pounds just watching.

Go pre-order this book today!!!  

She just announced a few days ago that it's the #1 best pre-sold book on Amazon! 
Help keep her at #1 for a LONGGG time.

I know I will!


Pam said...

I hope all the recipes from our book give you good dreams. :) Thanks so much, Val, for reviewing. And remember-calories from recipes made by cookbooks from friends don't count. ha!

SAM said...

If she is a blog friend of yours, she's bound to be one I will love to read and follow. The pie alone-wow!!!


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