Here are our Christmas cards and letters so far this year!
What else do you do to display them when you have 362 leftover clothes pins leftover from graduation parties?
How do you do with yours?
We have yet to send ours out...
Leon came down the stairs this morning and went to contemplate the Christmas tree before getting dressed. Not a lot of gifts under it yet. That'll change.
But it inspired me to do a photo recreation of five years ago.
He may not let me do one in another five years...
and I wouldn't blame him.
I love hearing him say, "I love Christmas!!"
So do I kid. So do I...
Sent out about 50 cards but it has been in batches. So many other things to do. Plus more cards to send, lol! I have a tabletop vintage greeting card stand that I put our received cards in.
Hey, I see mine!!
People must love you better because we've only received 5...sigh.
Merry Christmas!
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